What will philosophers think and ask next?

When there is a question there is an answer, intelligent ones and stupid ones. don’t judge too quickly.

sorry i miss typed i meant doesnt deserve an answer.

when a question isnt put well there are answers to it but wether it is the one your looking for is a guess.

I like Spinoza, but sadly just sayin’ somethin’ don’t make it so. Again, aside from the ravings of Mick and PoR, I don’t think anyone’s proven the existance of God, or really anything else.

I’m starting to suspect that sitting around thinking without measuring or testing anything not only can’t tell us much about the world, it also can’t tell us much about ourselves.

You can tell much about the world if you judge the world. You cannot tell who you are, but you can understand what people say and judge you, and have a sort of images. For that reason I embrace critcizism and praises from people who judge my posts and threads.

Perhaps. But since most people are content to judge things without thinking about them either I’m not sure how useful those judgements are.

Ah, the never-ending search for certainty, and the bitter disappointment at its absence.

Dan - philosophy does not seek agreement - agreement is not a virtue. The philosopher is the loneliest type. Proof is for those who crave it, and if they crave it enough, they will find it.

Philosophy is not your mother’s teat, it’s cold hard steel.

I don’t make the news, I only report it. Philosophy is not for everyone.

Good philosophy is the re-evaluaton of all values. Bad philosophy is wishing it wasn’t so. It’s not a playground, with mom watching over us - it’s a scrap yard.

It is philosophy’s coattails that science rides. Philosophy is the art of asking good questions. Science is the art of answering them. Religion is the art of ignoring the good questions.

Buck up, ladies.

on the contrary

Philosophy is the kiddie table, boy-o. Tuck your bib in. :wink:

knoledge without wisdom is meaningless, wisdom lets you know how to way use knoledge teh right way. like the majority who have intelligence but near no wisdom cause the uneccesary suffering and imperfect world we live in, some of the most intelligent people are stupid.