What is more important, intelligence or good looks?
Good looks
Equal importance
I don’t like good looking or intelligent persons (I’m a freak)
I thought I would post this topic here as I have searched through Mundane Babble, and although I have found similar topics, I thought a new topic would be in order.
What would be your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend? Refer to personality, physical appearance, intelligence, whatever.
Number one on the list: a non-clingy girl, one that doesn’t need to call me every second of everyday in order to feel like we’re in a relationship.
I guy can dream can’t he?
Other ideal qualities: charismatic (which is rare), caring, rational, sarcastic (humorous works) and generally just a girl that is a pleasure to be around. As far as physical apearance is concerned, I’d have to say that I seem to favor the slim girls, around 5’6"-5’10" (I’ll let you europeans translate that into meters). Although petite girls are fun too . Hair color is of no real importance to me, and the same goes for length I suppose (barring extremes).
I think I’m going to stop right here, otherwise I’m going to narrow down my preferences to a girl that doesn’t exist .
Looks are as important as intelliegnce imo. I like freaky looking blokes, black eyeliner types They have to be slim, hmm and they have to be taller than me (which is easy cos im only small). Preferably dark hair (long is best) and have strong dark eyes. I dont like loud people although im attracted to opinionated types. A caring, kind quality is essential, im not keen on 'laddish showoffy types. I have my ideal man already : )
Mya (a recording artist) mixed with Ayn Rand. Obviously Mya’s looks. I saw her in concert for my birthday last month. WOW. I got to go back stage and do a few magic tricks for her and her dancers. It was cool. I’m putting the pics in my website in a few days.
I’m very attracted to dependent women. I need to feel needed. As though someone actually wants me around. I also have a hair fetish (not facial or bodily don’t worry) and a tit fetish I need big, striking, dark eyes and full lips too. And I also have this ideal woman and she posts on this board Bonus
And btw, I’m the only one who put good looks as most important. Doesn’t mean I don’t value intelligence. I’m just more picky about looks.
I really don’t judge too much for what someone elses tastes are. I have been involved with plenty ‘ugly’ women in the past because they were nice and sweet. But if I can get myself a “model” with intelligence, personality and all that good stuff, why not?
I’m also a very sexual person, and I perfer a woman that could turn me on. Just me.