What's for breakfast?

You seem to have a problem with the word ‘fast’…?

Absolutely because it’s an insensitive and offensive word that encourages prejudice and bias against things that are slow, as if that makes them inferior or unimportant. I would never say or think such a thing and I would appreciate it if u didn’t either.

An interesting find… :-k

Breakfast Articles > Ask Mr Breakfast

Q Dear Mr Breakfast,
Where does the word breakfast come from?

  • Muffin

A Right on, Muffin. That’s an excellent question. The word “breakfast” literally means “to break fast”.

A “fast”, as you know, is a period of time where you don’t eat. Most often, we relate that to extended periods of time – Ghandi and all that business. But for us regular joes, the period of time when we don’t eat is nighttime. We might be dreaming of eating, but by the most strict definition, we’re “fasting” while we sleep.

And when do we break that fast? In the morning, of course. Breakfast!

Unfortunately in today’s society, I’m afraid people interpret “fast” as how speedily they can wolf down their McMuffins or last nights pizza before they leave for work.

Between you and me, I wish it was called “break-slow”. I don’t have to tell you how important it is to start your day right. Breakfast establishes the tone for the next 16 hours. Why not treat yourself to a nice meal and a quality hour to collect yourself and focus on what’s important.

Thanks so much for the question.

Your Friend,
Mr Break-SLOW

A Rebuttal From Carsten of London Dated 12/10/09

Dear Mr. Breakfast,

The word Breakfast doesn’t come from “to break fast”. Many countries make big breakfasts with loads of courses and it’s not like you can break fast for that.

The word “Brack” is the origin and the dutch word for a hole in a dyke. (source Wikipedia)

The word “fast” come from the gothic “fastan” which means to hold on to something. (source Wikipedia)

Todays German “fasten” means to not eat (usually after the carnival - “Fastenzeit” - “time of not eating”).

Originally brack fasten just meant to hold/to fill a hole in a dyke. :slight_smile:



I am afraid that I cannot accommodate that request, because I do not feel the same way about the situation as you do…


I don’t use hierarchical logocentrically dichotomous words in my vocabulary because they are unfair and divisive.

How about ‘morning meal’? :confusion-shrug: …that’s very non-dichotomous, and therefore not divisive.

Edited to add at 23.19: saw this just now… I was spot on with morning meal/morgenmete… makes sense to call it that.

Where did breakfast come from?
It was not until the 15th century that “breakfast” came into use in written English to describe a morning meal, which literally means to break the fasting period of the prior night; in Old English the term was morgenmete meaning “morning meal.”

History of breakfast - Wikipedia

Missed it running errands.

then you can have brunch which includes booze so there’s a silver lining for ya

Never enjoyed drinking alcohol which always tasted like poison to me, so not even a rust lining.

So… I have reinstated my morning coffee, because it actually causes my heart rate to rise… above 50, which then in-turn causes my blood pressure to fall… to around 117/80, and not be around the point where I need to state-the-nature-of-my-medical-emergency. A coffee a day, keeps 999 at bay. :laughing:

…I had a 3-egg scramble and ceviched salmon, to go with the (reinstated) morning coffee.

Your diastolic number seems high in light of your healthy eating habits and exercise regimen. Any idea why? Heredity?

It’s not high for my age group, and it fluctuates between 60 and 80, depending on activity… which is normal, and the medical emergency situation seems to coincide with Spring-pollen allergy season, so only a temporary situation which only started last year.

There’s a lot more Spring pollen in Britain… after the Green Party decided to implement their slogan of ‘we need to plant more trees’, and so they planted more trees, which has intensified pollen allergy symptoms for all sufferers.

The same weekend my system got overwhelmed by pollen in late April, I was at a (socially distanced) gathering, and a few people I spoke to fell ill that exact same weekend with the exact same symptoms… other than that, the phenomenon departs for the rest of the year… until Spring comes round again next year.

Spring pollen allergy season is nearly over. : D

Three eggs, sunny side up over buttered five seed toast.

3 scrambled eggs/spinach, and a large coffee with raw cane sugar… the added spinach to the eggs makes it more filling and is 100% pesticide-free/certified organic… otherwise I wouldn’t be able to have eaten it.

I had scrambled eggs too, the leftovers from last night’s dinner, but I smothered these in cheddar cheese and nixed the toast. Then chocolate mint coffee with powdered milk.

Mmm, cheese. :stuck_out_tongue:

I eat dinner stuff almost all day. Frozen dinners in the microwave.

But! When I do eat breakfast!

I love me a good Benedict !

My favorite is eggs Florentine… (which is hard to come by)

Eggs Florentine is just English toast, spinach, tomato’s, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce.

You can sprinkle cayenne on it.

I prefer the vegetarian route for my Benedict’s … but! I must admit … I had a seared mahi mahi Benedict in Hawaii that was divine.

My other staple for breakfast is hash browns… I’m very picky about them. Not too soft, and not a lethal weapon because they’re too crispy!

I kinda equate a good hollandaise sauce with something luxurious like a truffle sauce. Hmmm, I could probably make Hollandaise sauce into a soup it is so delicious.

Yeah… hollandaise is hard to make. I met a hotel chef when I was in my late teens / early 20’s who opened his own restaurant … made the standard Benedict with the ham, but his hollandaise sauce was the best I ever tasted. He told me one day that his secret was how much lemon juice he put into it.

Another amazing Benedict I’ve had was a bacon / arugula Benedict with spicy hollandaise

Crab Benedict’s are good too

I’m kind of a Benedict freak.

but mimosas tho