What's going on with the rant house?

it doesnt appear on the left quick list and has a lock icon. yet it seems i can reply to threads…
it took effort just to find the rant house…

The lock means that its permissions are restricted: only registered users can see it, and new users can’t create new topics there, they have to be minimally established.

The Rant House has become the place for things I don’t want to attract people to the site but that I also don’t want to outright prohibit – trying to walk the tightrope of permissive moderation while avoiding becoming a Nazi bar.

If you’d like to see it more easily, you can edit the list of categories that are displayed on the left by clicking pencil icon next to the word “Categories” (appears when you hover over the word in desktop view, not sure about mobile).

You can also unmute it to see its posts in the Topics list, by clicking the bell icon in the upper left right.

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thanks. great answer.

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