Man would die with out the knowledge of hunting. Although today everyone goes hunting for the game of it, the main purpose today in hunting is the sport of which it was made into. No one thinks of the food involved, just the game. We really dont need to think of the food anymore cause we can just go to our other hunting ground (grocery store) and easily obtain the things necessary to survive.
Hello. What happens is that you give your opinion first and then the rest of us answer. We agree and explain or disagree and explain, et cetera.
Hunting has been a need of man since we evolved. It was need then however, now it is no longer very useful. Instead it is a sport.
The twisted irony out of all of this is that if man should have his natural capabilities intact to hunt and forage for himself independently there would be no classism, mass global starvation, overpopulation, enviromental crisis and there really would be no need of any government whatsoever.
On understanding that one can see man’s and civilization’s twisted absurdity in history as we know it.
I think hunting to the game has it’s pros and cons.
Some people do find the hunt enjoyable, and frankly, I might agree with them. A certain thrill comes from shooting a beast in the wild. That’s instinct showing its’ colors. Also, if modern society must eventually fail and mankind revert to the simple ways, those who can hunt and survive will have a head start on the rest of us. In a way, it is preparation for a possible future. Also, not everyone just hunts for the game. There are a rare few of the peoples who kill the animal, skin it, cook it’s meat, and use the furs. Don’t overlook them. It’s a lifestyle. Not everyone has a grocery store.
On the other side, the massive amount of “game hunters” depleting the animals of Earth to near extinction is a problem. Not a problem in the NEAR future, but a problem nonetheless. There should be some restrictions.
I also agree with Joker. There is a sad irony to all of it, despite the inevitability.
It’s obselete in today’s world. There is no need for it. It’s just a sport that really has bad reprocussions.
I would love to hunt if I could hunt something that was nearly as inteligent as me, and could hurt me if it got too close. Then it’s a more equal playing field, although not quite.
Few people hunt anymore. It is more harvesting than hunting. To say that all do it just for sport is wrong. Many people with low incomes invest in liscenses in order to supplement their diet. Farm raised meat is expensive if you have a large family to support. A deer or two a year plus rabbit and birds helps defray the cost.
But, people don’t hunt they bait and wait. Its merely harvesting and culling. No thrill to it at least none that I can see.
Those that are trophy hunters are the most despicable. They waste meat that could be used to feed. They cut the head off and leave the body behind. Scavengers can only eat so much before the meat becomes too rancid for them. Trophy hunters are the lowest of the low.
Well what kind of hunting? Shooting an animal? Or hunting for a woman?
If it’s the latter, then absolutely hunting is still around and is, to some degree, needed.
Shooting an animal is the type of hunting im talking about. I just don’t see how we(man) have became so dependent on each other. I think we should try harder to fit the role of the noble savage, and not just act like we are.
As for hunting for women, check out the sexual frustrations thread.
I found it pretty interesting.
I didn’t say anything about shooting her with anything. I said the hunt was fun, after you capture them you need to release them before they bite either of your heads off…