What's Next? (the future of technology)

Currently we are in a technology age that has been expanding rapidly. The 1800’s brought us great advances in transportation, railroads, and the late 1800’s, early 1900’s brought us the automobile. A few years later we were flying through the air. Later in the century we were not only flying, but exploring the heavens with space travel. Throughout the last 30 years of the century, the computer age took place. We went from computers the size of a room to computers that would fit in the palm of your hand. Now we have the Internet, GPS, Cell phones, Television, and I could go on and fill the entire page. We have come a long way in our 8000 to 10000 years of existence. Can you imagine if you were able to go back in time and display the technology we have today to our ancestors?! They would never have imagined.

What’s next?

What more can we expand upon? What new technology will we take for granted in the future? I’d love to hear your guesses, or for those of you who may keep up with the upcoming technologies, tell us what we have to look forward to.


Here’s a few predictions which I found quite interesting:

wordiq.com/definition/Timeli … _forecasts

For less accurate, but still entertaining, predictions:


There’s also some author who made a bunch of predictions in the 70s who was pretty spot on with each who released a whole load of new predictions for the new Millenium but I can’t for the life of me remember his name or find any links to him.

We will see the integration of science and spiritual.

The kind of things talked about by the mystics will gradually start to make more sense to the rest of us with the help of scientific discoveries.
Physics will lead with the rest of the sciences will also take these ideas on board. Eventually some of the sciences will be merged into one.

Also they will realise that a computer will never be conscious. (AI) They know this already but are too stuborn/blind to see it. Oooh controversial!


you will see nanotechnology in about every fascet of our life in about 50 years, from improved solar panels that could be the next renewable energy to nanometer sized silver particles that actually attack and destroy bacteria (and possibly even viruses…can we say HIV). Also look for advancements in our arsenal of explosives as it has been found that aluminum is super-energetic on a nano scale. Ditto to propulsions for space vehicles. In addition, our computers could be roughly 1000 times more powerful by then with innovations in chip design. Just think about saying to your friend, “Hey Bill, you seen that new Intel 1.2 terabyte chip?” :astonished:


Hi Skeptic,

If we would have shown our ancestors the technology of today they would probably think that we are magicians or some type evil spirit maybe…

I can tell you something that I think would be worthwhile in developing in the future: perfection of language. A lot of the problems we have is lack of communication, including the strangeness of some spellings.

Nanotechnology is the predicted destination, though there might even be something smaller than what is in the atomic level. I think that there will never be a lack of scientific discoveries.

nuclear winter
