What's Satan's Inspiration?

By looking at satanism and liberalism I see close ties. Both think that whatever you do witch makes you happy is right.

But I say that these people have become caloused to certain things of the soul that makes them want worldly things over spiritual contentness.

in this you’ll find big brother is a form of mind control to gain the youth by brainwashing them through limiting their perspective.

Puh-lease… you need to provide more information than that. By your reasoning, it is equally easy for someone to say: (add lots of sarcastic enthusiasm) “By looking at Satanism and Conservatives (Republicans), I see close ties. Both know how obtain advantages to control the weak, and we all know ‘might makes right’!”

Control the week by limiting their perspective by controlling what is taught in schools???

Did you know it’s illegal to publically speak against homosexuality in canada

did you know they want to make guns illegal,… even though gun crimes can be linked to drugs.

Did you know that they want to illegalize knives with points in england because illegalizing guns wasn’t enough

did you know that more results come from ambilical cord stem cells then any other type of stem cell research

did you know that the number one reason for abortion is promiscuity but the number one reason to accept abortion is rape. Abortion don’t solve the rape problem

did you know that homosexuality is nowhere near proven

did you know that hue hephner is right according to liberalism and satanism. And the fact that donald trump can’t hold a marriage is because his brain is bias toward making money but he is also considered right.

Did you know that spamming is against the norms of polite discussion?

Did you know that this is a philosophy board, and therefore the expectation is that topics will be discussed at lengths which will not fit on a bumper sticker?

Gee and I thought I was being smart by allowing people to reply to each statement seperatly.

spam??? are you saying each statement has no real content

=D> Took the words right out of my mouth.

Since when does anyone control a “week”? Silly Phil. I know you meant “weak”, don’t fret. I would like some more info though. Who is limiting who? What perspectives are being limited? All good questions.

What’s wrong with that? I happen to like Canada… people are nice up there.

And? I have a constitutional right to own a gun, but I don’t. Maybe one day, when I decide to actually go kill my own food like Ted Nugent, I’ll get me a rifle. Making guns illegal basically means you’re not allowed to pack heat without a permit.

Present the source of this information. Even if you do, it matters little because harvesting stem cells from a blastocyst is more efficient and quicker than hopping around the delivery room to wait for each newborn to pop out so the umbilical cord can be used… what absurdity. The availability of blastocysts outnumber the availability of umbilical cords. Your moral norms will die in the future…

Did you know the number one reason of teen pregnancies is sex-abstinence programs. Nothing encourages sex more than abstinence, and nothing prevents pregnancies more than most common contraceptives.



So Phil… explain this…

The more religious the country, the more immoral it is. Why?

Satalism = Liberalism, yes. It’s juuuust a little bit different than liberalism, morally, but that’s all it is. It’s like the exact opposite of absolute laws and moral dogma. “Freedom” put before “truth”. But then there are some flipped-out bible concepts added to some satanisms.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


:laughing: We’re so ungodly. No more holey-hate. :laughing:

What the hell…?

:laughing: :laughing: This is quickly becoming the most amusing thread on ILP in the last month, by far… Phil is earning his right to take the place of PoR… well, he’s got a long way to go for that.

I’m going to move up and join y’all if this country doesn’t turn around and start shaping up in 2009.

I’ll buy your bus ticket, as long as it’s one way!