Whats the average age around here?

How old are you?

  • in my teens
  • 20-25
  • 25-30
  • 30-40
0 voters

Well, I’m 15, not to far away from 16. And it seems like everyone here is so much damn older than me.

So, What is the average age around here?


HEY I am only 16! There are some other younger peopl in this site… I know it… You can tell by some of the immature threads that pop up! Dan don’t lie… you aren’t 27 you are only 11! lol

Hi Username,

Hmm…I’m so much older than you that you didn’t even make a category for me. At 47, it’s as though I’ve fallen off the edge of your world. :wink:

Aging is like riding on a rocket. It seems to take a while after lift-off until you can even clear the gantry (it seemed to take forever for me to get my driver’s license at age 16). And then you look out your porthole to see the earth still looking gigantic (college). And then you notice some blue around the edges of the planet (marriage). The next time you look the earth is the size of a sun and just a quickly, a frisbee (middle age).

That’s what it looks like to me at the moment. These days a week lasts as long as a day lasted when I was ten years old. My summer school vacations seemed to last forever then. Now, a year doesn’t last that long. My rocket ship is moving incredibly fast these days - headed straight towards oblivion. Here’s what it feels like (wait for the satisfying boom at the end).


i’m 24.

Whoops, forgot to make a 40-above category

my bad

I’m 23 going on 24 this October 15th.

When I was very younger I use to stay up on Friday nights to watch ABC’s TGIF (Thank Goodnes it’s Friday). It was two hours allotted to show the new episodes of Full House, Family Matters, Step by Step, and Blossom. Later they changed it as Full House stop airing and they started showing Boy Meets World, and then Step by Step finished and they started showing Home Improvement. Well after that they use to show 20/20 with Barbara Walters. Which I watched religiously.

There was an episode about how chemicals in your body change as you age, and it changes the way we perceive time. I must have been 12 or so (1992 - 1993) and I found it hilarious. How can chemicals change the way you perceive time?

Then I started getting older.

And I still consider myself a child in most respects, but I keep wondering to myself, where the hell did 1998 go? That is the last year I really remember celebrating.

Like you said Polemarchus, summer’s vacation was an eternity. In fact Saturday morning cartoons, the time frame from 8 - 12 in the morning was the day. Now I go to work at 6:45 and before I know it I’m back at work againg at 6:45. This really sucks.

Most of you here are so young.

I’m 44.



I’m 18

I am 29 and looking for love over the internet… Hi femphil!

I’m probably bang in the center at the ripe old age of 20.

  • ben


I guess i’m the old man here at 36.

Hence, i should probably start addressing people as “Sonny” or “You young whipper-snapper”.


Hello GateControlTheory!
I’m not quite sure what love over the internet involves exactly. When anyone takes such interest in me (or vice versa), I always feel it my obligation to properly declare: I’m celibate. However, you can be sure that I do feel the utmost love for you, though I’m not sure how well it radiates through the internet…

It does not radiate well at all.

Oh the shame, plunge the dagger deeper into mine heart so that it doth slay me as surely as three poisonous vipers…

Seriously however, I was jk (just kidding). Which is what I usually try to do in the Mundane Babble section. I suppose I failed in my attempt at humor, but in the process I was told that I am loved. I think that brightened my day a bit, and for that, I thank you.

  1. It’s all downhill from here…LOL!

56 - still going strong and life gets better and better!

It must be downhill from here, the original poll doesn’t even include a response for those over 40! :wink: