What's the difference between a liberal and Al Qaeda?

What’s the difference between a liberal and Al Qaeda?

-(From Imp’s signature)

I’d guess he is assuming they are the same thing. But if that were so, wouldn’t there be lots of terrorism going on in America right now?

There is.

There is what? There is a difference? There is lots of terrorism in America?

Cant be the same, Im a liberal and I dont cause any kind of terrorism. In fact a true liberal would be accepting of everyone even their opposing party

The difference is huge: Liberals are liberals, AQ are conservatives. Hell, they aren’t even conservatives, they are reactionaries. AQ are Conservative Christians with balls.

Arnt they Muslims?

Yes. They are. They are fundamentalist, religious, reactionary morons, like Conservative Christians. The only difference is, they have balls. You know, like the Conservative Christians who bomb abortion clinics and shoot doctors, or drag homosexuals behind pick-up trucks.

One isn’t fictional?

Maybe they both are. Maybe they are “created” to keep us simian drones in fear and at the grindstone, while the masters rake in the fruits of our labor. Maybe Osama is trying to tell us he’s a liberal trying to set us free from the chains but the masters keep distorting his message with propaganda, like some sci-fi movie in the future where the underground is trying to tell the slaves that all is not well. Soilent Green. “It’s people!”

There is alot of terrorism going on in the US right now.

Really? Please ellaborate. I live in the US and haven’t seen or heard of any.

I’ve been terrorized for a long time.

From growing up in suburban D.C. in the 60s.

The doctors say I’m not paranoid, just depressed, probably from the terrorism: nuclear threat, unending pointless warfare, tear gas at peaceful demonstrations, over zealous law enforcement, drug laws, shock-and-awe 24 hour news, …etc.

I find it sad, but not surprising, how easy these things are to ignore, or support.

Oh, yes, liberals are separated from Al Quaeda by Liberalism, and all the centrist notions.

Peta, ELF, you know, domestic terror groups.

Those aren’t terror groups. I know, I know; certain people in government tell us they are, but they are not.

The liberal environmentalists terrorists have too many friends in the government. That’s why people like you have been brainwashed to think that they’re not even really terrorists. But they are, just like al qaeda.

This is hogwash. I’ve been studying terrorism since 1978, and have recieved counter terror training from the best in the word. None of them have been able to articulate a decent definition of terrorism that even they can agree upon. So, we start there: What is a terrorist?

By any stretch of the imagination, these people are not terrorists. You can’t terrorize inanimate objects, and to the extent any person is placed in fear, you can’t distinguish that fear from any other, based upon some ephemeral concept of “terrorism.”

I won’t get into the old “freedom fighter/terrorist” argument either. Quite simply, your government (and other entities) have got your panties all up in a bunch with propaganda and fear-mongering which, as articulated above by others, comes much closer to what you would call terror than anything the enviro types are engaged in.

The question to pass all laws.

There’s a huge difference in quantity, let alone quality when talking about the “terrorists” of the West Coast and Al-Qaeda.

This whole thread is asinine, as is Impenitent’s quote. Grow up.

Conservatives, Liberals, Terrorists, they are all the same thing, they play on the fears of the masses in order to get what they want. The only difference is that they use different things to play on the same fears.

‘‘The only guy who ever gets power is the guy that shoud never have it’’