What's wrong with this picture?

Someone emailed me this a while back because they thought I’d find it funny. I do. However, I don’t know where to begin talking about what all is wrong with it. I’ve got a few ideas. I think it came from a children’s coloring book. How does this picture make you feel?


And what does the atheist say? This is pretty much my favourite part of the whole thing:

But, of course, Professor Giraffenstein takes the cake.

I like it when people can have a sense of humour about their position. I hope they have a sense of humour and aren’t serious . . .

I think it’s just scary. Why do xtians have to go so far to insult other religions and force theirs on others? I’ve never had a buddhist approach me on the street and harass me with pamphlets and crazy questions.

you don’t walk the right streets…

try a california airport… (have a flower…)


Aren’t those the hare krishnas? or the manson family?

Its funny coz its true. Except the Ayn Rand bit. I’m one of those communist athiests, go tell your pastor about that :evilfun:

It’s wrong because Buddhism isn’t the major religion of India?

for starters, it’s wrong because buddhists don’t worship buddah and they don’t view buddah as a god.


I couldn’t get past his head looking like a gourd.

What’s wrong!

No Diety is Worshipped in Buddhism!

The Buddha is the idealised Type but not a Godhead, he is not to be worshipped, in the same sense as the Monothiestic Religions worship a Singular God.

The picture in the original posts suggests the worship of a Singular God.

Lol! Where do you start on what’s wrong with that picture? It’s just wrong on so many levels at once.

Is that site a joke site? I mean seriously, is that another one of those things like that ‘intelligent falling’ article from a while ago? That has to be the work of some devious little satanist or something trying to make christianity look bad right? That site just amazes me. I’m going to have to give christians the benifit of the doubt and say that that site is a fake.

"JUST 4 KIDZ! The “Z” is for “ZEALOUSNESS” ???
I mean, come on. That site just HAS GOT TO BE pulling the piss. That just is not a real site. I’m going to send that link to my friends… that is awsome.

I think it is a joke.

But I don’t think it is from Satanists.

Christians can joke about Christians too, right?

If you look at the sites it links to and such, I really do think it is legit.

Hee hee.