Pentecostals - cause their women wear floor length blue jeans dresses and they’re always trying to convert mexicans.
Nizari Isma’ilis ak the Assassins - “Don’t Believe in my god? that’s okay. Wanna try and convert me or jail me for being a Heretic? I’ll just have one of my hashed out lunatics stab you to death in your sleep” signed the Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan bin Sabah
Catholics cause I am one and they are just so damn funny
Hippies who become hindus - TM and shit like that damn that’s funny
Mayan Catholics - C’mon let’s worship John The Baptist (who’s actually a syncretic Mayan god from before the Conquest) by drinking blinding amounts of Corn Liquor and passing out in church - I actually had a Long conversation with one of these guys in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. real real interesting folks. Mayans will kill you. Do not ever mess with a Mayan.
My favorite are the Confucianists (more a philosophy then a religion, but work with me here). Like the christians seek heaven and the Budhists seek nirvana and the Hindus seek Brahma the Confucianists seek a compfy civil service job.
But I absolutely hate those damn Discordians. Just a bunch a pot-smoken, acid-droppin loonies.
wookies - hippies who follow the band phish around and pass out (not really a religion, but i guess a philosophy, phishism)
ignorant atheists - for being so sure there isn’t a god, and making fun of people that believe in god because they have no proof, but… atheists have none either…
I take it you have personal experience with their sales tactics.
of course when you break it down, any religion is trying to sell itself to you. Shiny steeples, music, etc. all there to bring in the masses to mass. all to accept a belief without questioning it. That’s the nature of belief though.
I know the rest of you don’t have this problem, but as an ubermensch I’d like to find an UberGott that I can warm up to. Know of any religions that can supply one?