it’s in everything that one can possibly desire to eat and drink: yet many are allergic to this evil grain and it’s relatives - I can’t even eat a bowl of Kelloggs cornflakes, now that’s pants!
Manufacturers should state the same spiel as they do for nut allergy sufferers, or I’m gonna start suing their ass: for making me ill every time I eat their goods.
I swell up like a balloon the following day: my boobs and gut mainly But before my self-diagnosis: I suffered from:
mouth ulcers,
severe malnutrition of all vitamins and minerals,
hair loss,
blurred vision,
severe dehydration,
severe abdominal bloating,
irregular heart beat,
plus many more symptoms that I can’t remember…
…my doc had a whole print-out: from an exploritory blood test that he did, and it reached the floor with it’s contents of what was wrong with me, and the man still didn’t diagnose me with anything at all
I diagnosed myself: then went to my docs for the test, but as I had been wheat-free for some time by then: it came up negative - I weren’t gonna ingest wheat just for the sake of the test, but my doc said to avoid it anyhows.
My family think I’ve invented this ailment for attention do you think it’s ok to dis-own unsupportive family? who contribute nothing to my life, but just pissing me off?
cornflakes and rice krispies have malt added to them: which gives them that sweet, er, malty taste… most cereals are off limits to celiacs: unless they are gluten free ones, that is
frosted sugar bombs - we don’t get them in England / bet they got gluten in’em? fuck’em
…it’s a harsh place to be at, but I’ll struggle on: through the sea of wheaty evil
I can buy wheat-free goods from the supermarket/local health shop, but they are like double the price of the glutinous ones, and have that hint of cardboard texture: that only food that is good for you can have
I only react with wheat, it’s relatives (rye, barley, spelt), and it’s derivitives (malt, maltodextrin, glucose syrup, etc) …they add that stuff to practically everything so I’m best to avoid all processed foods: which is pants, but avoids me making any mistakes…
I can eat rice, maize, potatoes, plantain, etc: so can get those neccessary carbs in
I react to oats too, but I read an article: where it’s claimed that oats have no gluten, but because it is grown next to wheat: cross-contamination may occur: thus rendering the oats ‘glutinous’ - major oats manufacturers are trying to sort this out: as sales are dropping from us celiacs not buying what they are selling
I used to love eating porridge for breakfast: so it serves them right for losingsales: after-all, I lost my health…
Buy in large bulk put it in airtight vaccum sealed bags. This way you will save money. If you have to buy more than you need, Fix up gift packages for friends or family. Perhaps you can split the cost with someone or more than one person and divide things up. With a bit of ingenuity you can manage the cost.
We do that at times we split up costs of meats and such with others. It really does save money. Your quality is improved and the price per pound goes down below normal retail.
It isn’t the end of the world, I know that in both America and Britain right now there is a big push for gluten-free beers. While I know that they do make real ales that are gluten-free, you are unlikely to actually find one on pull anywhere.
I do know that Greens makes some gluten free beers. Not great beers, but they should do well enough for a shandy. Hambleton also makes one.