When did the 'Time' begins ?

When did it begins and when will it’s going to end ?.

If ‘Time’ has a beginning.Means that it has an end too.

But if it’s not.Means that Time are Infinity and its apperance be like ‘this’ forever.

No. It does not logically follow.

A series can start 1, 2, 3, … ; it starts but does not end.

Time never started, or at least without time we can have no notion of time passing, of things changing, of something starting and finishing.

Yes, there is no beginning or end. Time is the measurement of change. If at one point there was no “time” and then there was, isn’t that change?

“Time” is an invention of man to give man an accurate record table of when change occurs. So if you want to get speculative about it, we could say time began when the ancient astrologers first noticed that the moon changed over a course of what would be later called a “lunar month.”

Very healthy thinking and reasoning :sunglasses: and I got answer for you Rooksa .
Time is synoynim for Life, and just like life it have a Beginning and the end.
Time started, with first life form created, and it is going to end very soon.
The only reason we know we are alive is the truth that we are going to die.
Very first human couple that gave birth to very first Human baby have never
died it just spreaded their blood, DNA, genes, their flesh all over earth.
We are All them in flesh, just different Spirits.Every emotion everybody ever
have had, was combination of emotions of first couple’s blood gave.
So you Rooksa, just like Everybody else are just Spirit in your biological
Parents flesh.
The only way you can stop “your” time, and cross from life into eternal
existance is if you get rid of emotions that are product of blood that is not yours.
And that can happen only if that same blood have armed you with gift
to feel and see the truth. And the truth will set you free.
By absorbing information, and processing words into truth, connection that those words imply are capable of creating chemical in your body that
repair and rejuvenate your cells.And you can stop aging.
Truth will tell you that you were born in the One day, yesterday have never happend,and tomorrow is just same day again.When you die
emotionaly, you will claim your flesh as Yours, and take your body into
Eternal existence.
Other people, “less fortunate” will die in that One day, that will last
Thousand years.
That “One day” is just around the corner :wink:

                    much truth and love !

How about day, night, seasons, aging, death, it is The Reality (for me at least) for which we do not need clock or calender to see and feel.
You only believe that “Time” exist. It is just escapism from fear of death.
Because people believe is important for them to live as long as possible.
People don’t realise how much death have power over life.

       much life !

I’ll jump on the “there is no time” bandwagon here. I came to that conclusion a long time ago…

The future, and past are all contained in the present moment. Einstien told us to think of time as another dimension. Time is a dimension that allows movement. There is no true chronological time…exept for that contained within our theorists fiction.

Measurements of time require time

No, we just need a sense of flux

It makes no sense to talk of a time when time didn’t exist. Hence time must have always existed. Fear of death hasn’t a thing to do with it.

Of course time exists, it can be measured and quantified pretty easily, its just its nature where there may be some dispute.

Time and space both began at the same point. Before then there was no time and no space and as long as one exists the other will.

There are some cool features about this, like, the quicker we move through one, the slower we move through the other. Moving at the speed of light means you dont travel through time at all (photons are the same age as they have always been, from there perspective, there is no time at all), and i guess the reverse would be true too; if you somehow stopped moving relative to the expansion of the universe you would experience a heck of a lot of time all at once compared to the stuff that carried on expanding.


OK, how about this, I am not trying to make you understand and believe
other than you already do.This what I am telling you is truth 100% .
I know my future (and yours), do you think I care for your Clock, and your Calender ??
If you do not understand “I know my future part”, I can explain .
Time is Math, and Math is huge subject in our lives, i can feel that :sunglasses:
But life itself is Energy that can not be measured, because is Love.
I feel math in my spirit, because my Spirit is truth, and truth is pattern.
Spirit (that is only truth) or what some people call Holy Spirit do not need
Life to exist.That’s why Spirit of humans that we call Prophets, is (still)
alive, because they saw the “Future” that is (still) happening.
And you have spirits who’s Beliefs were followed blindly, and resulted in
Creation of religion, Science and politics.
Science is telling you how Time exist, and there you are, genuine Believer.
Does Science know, how did first Homo sapien Couple have happend, that
gave Birth to first Human baby, where and when Exactly, by using that
“Time” of yours ???

" time didn’t exist.Time must have always existed "
Are you sure you know, who do you think you are ?, because I don’t

             much time and love !

Of course the leading idea is that of one point when/where all began. But have you never wondered what was there before? We cannot help it. I imply space. You can present mathematically the idea of a singularity, but it will lack meaning just the same to my mind.
For example, someone spoke of series having a beginning but no logical end. However, no series have a logical beginning either. You can start arbitraerly at: 1,2,3, 4…without end, but you can also regress:…-4,-3,-2,-1, 0, 1. Geometrically a line can extend indefinetly at either side. I, just I and not some logical necessity, assings points along that infinite line.
If looked at existentialy, Life is defined rather subjectically as well. Someone can define life as starting at birth while another at the moment of conception or when the egg first splits in two etc. At what point does a group of “inert” molecules adquire “Life”? The answer has the assumption that we have been given final knowledge as to what that thing, “Life”, is.

The idea in my mind is that Time is an invention of awerness, of our self, to measure, to envision, reality, the flux, it’s change etc, but that it cannot be decided, perhaps impossible, if it has a beginning or end, just like we cannot as of yet objectivelly know that life, in it-self, has a beginning or end, nor if a line, in itself, has a beginning or end.
Our awerness does have these limits built into it.
We have a self that has a beginning and an end, and we are the filter that imposes ends and beginnings on these concepts it has in mind.

no, even if a “self” were to have no begining or end. It is the flow of consciousness that creates the illusion of ‘moments’.

Time is the measurement of the change in this one moment; the present. Therefor, if time did not exist and then it came into existence, isn’t that change? I wonder how many times I must repeat myself before people catch on.

Well it depends what you mean what you mean when you say “time did not exist” and then it came into existence, ‘‘what’’ did? “define” what “existence” is? What is it made up off? the existence of ‘what’?

Stop it! For anyone who thinks time did not exist at one point, what I posted, would destroy that and that is all. A hypothetical situation you could say. Do not question my hypothetical situation because there is a lot wrong with it, that is the point. It shows how ridiculous the idea of “time not existing” is. Again, I am using time as the measurement of change and not the conventional, everyday time with which we use to get to our appointment on time.

no, even if a “self” were to have no begining or end. It is the flow of consciousness that creates the illusion of ‘moments’.
O- The flow of consciousness? No. Consciousness does not flow; it is what regards something as flowing.
Consciousness is the condition at which all objects become objects of thought. Our subjective is not perceiving a rate of change, even if it is there, because we regard our subjective experience of our selves as continuously static= the illusion is not of moments, but of self. I am my-self now, as 10 days ago and as 10 days into the future= I am Omar, just one, not Omar of 10 days ago and Omar of now, and Omar of the future. The Omar, if I can be allowed the thrid person, is the illusion that defies the transition, the change. This is what gives us our reference from which we create moments around. Without the stability of the point of reference, no rate of change can be possibly perceived.
Think of a train and a train station.
To a man standing on the station, as the train passes, the train car moves, changes, bocoming smaller to his sight to the point of invisibility= he perceives time/change.
The man on the train, let him be Consciousness in our experiment (as the other too), perceives no motion (suppose that there is no vibration or windows or anything else that might suggest to him change-- Consciousness is simply there moving as the train is moving, changing as it changes) leaving him no reference to perceive either change or no change-- he could imagine that he is moving or imagine that he is not moving.
Another example.
Imagine that you are in a plane and the windows in the plane are closed–the motors are going–But are you parked in the runway or moving? Once you open the window, you know, you can then perceive.
What you cannot perceive is a change in you. Sure you forget names and stuff, but these are things happening to a “motionless” self=“I forgot” rather than “I forgot I”. The I flows into all moments there to perceive, but perceives what it flows into by it’s agnosticism of change in-it-“self”.

What about photons then? Cos they dont experience time and yet they zoom around in a timeful universe.

You mistake what the big bang entails. It wasnt a ‘change’ from one state to another, but the beginning of all states. You cant treat ‘nothing’ as if its tangible, and so you cant say things ‘change’ from nothing to something, and nor can you say ‘nothing’ experiences time.

Time and space began at the big bang, along with everything else and so time has a very definite beginning.

Very good example. What if nothing and something worked together harmonously? This would allow photons to do what you mention. There was never nothing without something or there was never something without nothing. Therefor, there was no beginning and there will be no end.