Murdoc, if you expect me to explain stuff, could you explain yourself too (meaning the questions i asked)?
Im afraid i will have to point to stuff though, as i dont have the attention span to draw diagrams and do my own experiments.
There’s the Doppler effect. You can observe this with sound waves as cars whizz past you; as they approach the sound is high pitched and as they move away it is lower pitch, making a distinctive “eeeeEEEOOOooooow” noise.
This is because the sound waves the car are released at a constant speed regardless of the velocity of the vehicle, and so if its coming towards you it partially ‘catches up’ with its own sound waves meaning there is less distance between them. This creates a higher pitched noise.
The reverse is true of the car moving away, there is more distance between each complete sound wave as the movement of the car is adding distance between each one.
This effect is also observed in astronomy with light waves. Celestial bodies that are moving away appear to be emitting lower frequencies of light then they should be, and it just so happens that everything in the universe is apparantly moving away, and not only that, the further away it is means the faster it is moving.
Now picture a balloon with points drawn around its surface. As you inflate the balloon, the distance between any two given points will increase, and the further away the point is, the faster it would move. This is a similar model to the universe.
The balloon expands not because of the velocity of each individual point on its surface, but because its being filled with air. Similarly, the universe expands not because the particles which make it up were fired from each other in an explosion but because space is expanding and pushing the particles apart. This also means of course that the universe originated at a single point, and since time and space are inextricably linked, time originated as a single point too.
I can justify the existence of spacetime too if you like, or i can go over anything you’re not clear on or want to contest, but i think this post is long enough for now.
remember to answer the questions in my previous post,