(..a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-)
“We live philosophy… philosophy is life… life is for living…” ~ my own thought.
“…and around and around and around and around we go.” ~ Rihanna’s offering, from ‘Stay’.
Perhaps… something to look into, I guess… to be traced back in time to the point of original origin of when the concept and notion came into existence… just like ‘god’ seems to have derived from ‘gott’ which meant ‘good’.
That sounds like a paid research job though. lol
Well homosexuality is nothing new, but who knows how extensive it was… one would have to examine the pertinent texts for that amount of clarity on the matter.
Love on the brain, the trigger for reproduction… homosexuality when women weren’t around, whom were either stolen by other tribes or killed/culled at birth.
Engaging in philosophical discourse is the main enmity of being a philosopher. As stated by Allan Wood in the book What is Philosophy? “…we are all heirs to the enlightenment”. Nothing is more mysterious than Existentialism in context and ritual. Life is a ritual… philosophy is a ritual… therefore life is philosophy. Existenialist philosophers such as Nietzsche and Kierkegard have contributed much epitome to the Philosophical genre of the 20th century. It is so well spoken that the understanding of the human mind both ethically and intrinsically give emphasis to Use Value. I do not contour the meaning of philosophical as thinking or merely guessing the mishaps of a person’s individual lifestyle such as fashion or mode of living. It is not immeasurable to say that it is normal because in terms causality it is. And so, as for every contemporary philosophy undergoing change and evolution it is still Socrates that should be regarded as the forefather of Western Philosophy.
Agreed Sacrosanct about the tenuousness of existentialism as compared to philosophy. And it is of some evidentiary notice that the sexuality became of last primal mention.
The reductionism of essential arguments into their material counterpart always spells if many things left behind, sometimes forgotten, sometimes unmentionable.
As the progressive need to construct a ladder to escape darkness, the sought after light is at the end of a tunnel.
Epochs unmentionably barbaric throw a wrench into the subtle precision which constructed ideas of human desire, such as lasting peace, harmony and beauty.
The clockwork breaks, wrenched from it’s natural passage and deconstructs it’s self, hurling back into a placed where most shudder to imagine lest it returns it’s reverse image.
Jung elevated the lighting behind Freud’s derivative. shadowed unconscious world.
The irony of it is, that even a collective unconscious can not overcome the singular and sinister doubt, which obviously has been so often been foreshadowed throughout the ages.
The question ‘what is philosophy’ is one true question of philosophy, and it is the same question as ‘what is currently the most powerful (dangerous) question?’ and all religions, or let’s just say, most of them, are results of this endeavor, fruits fallen from that tree, but not as in completions of it but as in successful defenses against it; the best philosophy, the most resilient, refuses to lead to religion, as the questions are too, what’s the word, vital, at the same time desolate, to lead to answers that can give rise to systems, or objects of veneration. Psychosis is a natural companion here, obviously. Philosophy is, when it is not attempts to prescribe ways of life to other people, when it is something that is occupied with building itself, the art of bordering on insanity. Thresholding. Most historical philosophers have vacated the threshold during the course of their first works, they found some way to tap the power of that no-land and ferment the lands of the living with it, and this they do not for any kind of purpose but simply to get some kind of result from their natures. Nietzsche took this to the greatest extreme, his character Zarathustra embodies this thresholding and emerging from that threshold with the giant-powers that are the common currency there; the fate of Zarathustra in coming back to the world of men with those powers echos in the chaos of the 20th century and the weirdness of this one - the weapons, tools, that he brought and placed in this world are too powerful for this world and he simply said ‘one day the world will be able to wield them’ and leaving it up to the world to figure out how to destroy and rebirth itself to this end.
In the old myths, the gods are begotten by titans, giants, beings that have no bearing on human beings, aren’t even above them, because they occupy a completely different paradigm of vitality. Religion is for talking to the gods, the demons, summoning magic, having supernatural powers, etcetera - philosophy is simply the weird experience of existing in this titanic paradigm that has no bearing on humanity except for the fact that this kind of philosopher, this type who answers to this stuff Im saying here, happens to be a human being. A shaman, by the way, is something in between religion and philosophy. The path from philosophy to Earth is through shamanism. Nietzsche pines for this possibility and the history of continental philosophy since Nietzsche is one of pining for shamanism.
The risk of the aspiring shaman is to get entangled in religion, as the shaman has almost infinite powers there, yet when he uses them he loses his perspective on them, and he gets influenced by moralities - which are incompatible with the realm of his knowledge, his powers. Philosophy is thus simply irreconcilable. That is the mark of philosophy, that it doesn’t resolve itself in the world, but stands like - well, like that monolith in 2001, a Spacey Odyssey. Thats actually a pretty good image of philosophy.
Why does it exist? No - why does ‘why’ exist? Because of it.
Maybe I’d reconsider when reading about the sensually deprived who’d have no way of ‘knowing’, may spend some time in a sensory deprivation tank, though I do feel for you too bro.