I didn’t know where to put this topic, so I just put it here.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about really good movies where the bad guy wins, I saw the topic on some news thing, but did not recognize the majority of the movies, so I wanted to see what you guys think. For the time being, I will contribute two such movies now and maybe more later:
1.) The Devil’s Advocate
Satan is the ultimate bad guy, I mean, he is the Prince of Evil, am I right, ladies?
Anyway, just when you thought he had lost and it was safe to let the kids out, when Keanu Reeves made the right decision and refused to represent his client; he agrees to an interview with a friend of is. A few seconds later, the friend materialized into Satan (Al Pacino) and said something to the effect of Vanity being his favorite sin. Satan went through an elaborate (exceptionally elaborate) and well-orchestrated plan to get his son (Reeves) to join him, but ultimately failed to seduce him with the money, power and glory he offered. In the end, Reeves is apparently seduced by an intangible temptress, vanity.
2.) Lord of War
Okay, so Yuri Orlov (Nicholas Cage) lost his brother by way of death, his wife and kids by way of them leaving him, and his parents by way of being disowned, but he escaped imprisonment and is still running small arms and planes to underprivileged countries to this day. He cheated on his wife at least three times during the course of the movie, anyway, although I think losing his kid came as a blow. He lost his Uncle too, he witnessed the death of his brother (glorified suicide to temporarily save others) and his Uncle (car bomb).
So maybe Yuri Orlov didn’t win in every sense of the world, but people rarely do. The fact remains that he escaped jail and is still filthy rich. It’s pretty strange to find yourself cheering for the bad guy, but that’s what happens when you watch this movie.