By this i mean your finest hour.Please tell the date.
For me this is a very easy question.My golden age was at the very start.Yes,i never had a proper forum experience untill i came here.I was so stimulated,so challenged and best of all, i had stuff to talk about.
I traded pleasure for understanding.I became a hell of alot more literate and i never ever drift around ILP without a dictionary.I learned about the real world and i learned about people.The proper-and i damn well mean it- the proper forum experience is like nothing else.Without civility there can be no proper forum experience.I mean by that a certain amount of civility anyway.
Not like the Damned troll forums.
I could say more but i’ll try not to center this thread around any 1 person.
Drift - I think I am still waiting for my finest hour. But I very much enjoy this site. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it as well. The place wouldn’t be quite the same without you.
I think the favourite thread I ever started was one about pornography with Shyster - Pass the tissues
And another one I took part in where I kicked some taoist butt without them even noticing on Mastriani’s intervention. Though it took a little flexibility with the truth.
WTF? You kicked nothing!!! I’m the man, I’m the man!!!
Other than being lupina, praedatorius culminis, there has been no other “apex” on ILP. As a matter of fact, there may not have even been a slight stretch beyond the nadir, whatsoever.
As I am only thirty eight, and still not at my physical apex, (still packing on the weight with the weights), I await my apex moment as a predatory being.
Ahhh, the illusions of youth! Apex is that thing that went right on by while you were playing with yourself. Years later, you realize that you may have missed something, but you still have no idea what it might have been. Life isn’t spikes of realization, but tiny perturbances in the fog of getting through the day. Apex? Maybe. For some. But only in extreme hindsight. Apex is waking up in the morning.
By the time that apex comes along, you won’t have any teeth…
As always, I reject the western ideal of “youth” and “old”, other than for attempts at terrorising an internets paisano.
Not being even forty, my apex will come when my physicality is balanced, against the impetuousness of the spirit, and rage of the primal mind, and the entropy is just enough to allow for patient understanding of how best to dismantle an adversary.
My apex, is most certainly, not yet come.
(In the same fashion that although you are “older” than me, you have yet to have lived long enough to realise what “old” is … but you didn’t hear that from me)
“Old” isn’t negotiable. It is just returning. Growing up is optional. I have no intention of ever doing the latter. But apex? Apex ocurred the moment you took your first breath.
Of course the apex is in our potentiality as we come into being from the sponteniety of the flow. That which is self-so is never greater than at that moment. All else is returning, no matter how much tinkering we do with it. But tinkering with it is fun sometimes…