I kind of got burned out on the whole Jesus vs logic saga, thus I decided to make this topic. I have heared a lot of horrible things about Christianity, and I admit organized religions due tend to freak me out at times, but what are the good things about Christianity? [ good. thats a new perspective] I used to not mind it too much, I was Buddhist they are Christian woopty freakin do, but now with all the allegations made by the other sects I’m horrified at the very idea of Christianity. Now God has become some sort of crazy, nazi, communistic, sadistic psycho bitch. I’m trying to keep the peace within myself, I don’t want to become those people who shoot down every belief but their own, and I’m sorry if I made anyone feel that way. So with that. I invite those who are still Christians to come and share their side of the story, and the good things the faith has to offer. Other then Salvation I guess, I have my own fish to fry, actually do what you want.
Some are taking a step back so any problems you found with God are likely to be maximized. I think this creates a lot of the issue and a lot of the controversy. A step back to tradition is often a step away from revelation, the lessons of the past have been learned to put us here…
That said there are some of us that are working to move PAST the problems posed today into a new meaning of the Christian Faith. There are some significant issues with the traditional meaning of both God and of the church that can be worked through. Some of these are practical reasons and merely require a change, others are a little harder-hitting and require a re-evaluation of faith. I think the point is that a willingness to change is what can allow Christians to take criticism not as harsh, but as the need to expand their horizons.
Give some issues and I might defend a little more specifically. In general pot shots at the nature of faith will get you skepticism from the theists and loud appreciation from the atheists, but no arguments from either.
I guess one thing that made me not like my faith anymore was that the church goers would push their beliefs on those who didn’t ask in the first place, and was constantly on a quest to convert them. Sharing faith is one thing, but you have to respect the beliefs and personal space of others. I also remember the last time I attended church, I tried to give my parents religion one more try, but it didn’t end so well. I was heart broken really, what I got from the preachers words were basically “we are right, they are wrong, let’s bring them to God so they don’t go to hell.” What made it worse was when Christians, on discovering my boyfriend was an atheist and not even knowing him, would tell him to his face that he was going to hell, like he was dirt to them. Mark has a heart of gold, he never done anything wrong, and if he did he apologized without hesitation. I just don’t understand how they can be so judgmental and mean to others just because they don’t agree with them. I just couldn’t be apart of it anymore, so I found a religion that I agreed with more deeply and could better myself with. Maybe its not all Christians, but the ones I have met, just didn’t adhere to the kindness I wanted to share with people.
The belief that you are right seems to be the cornerstone of a lot of people’s ‘faiths’, and in being right they seem to feel they are exhaulted. I cannot say it is completely heartless what they do, in most cases I believe they are trying to spread enlightenment and holiness, but the way they go about it just edges people off.
Their methods do chase away more than attract I would think. Then again maybe not, people are converting everyday. You also sometimes get the creepy Christian converters, which I can’t stand because they put on this false niceness to them, and try to lure you like a dirty old man with candy or something. [ shivers] yek!
If that would work I think I have a Mars Bar laying around here somewhere. Or if that isn’t your think I can make some brownies. “Come in to my van… er religion. I promise it won’t hurt you.”
Yes, as much as ANYONE tries to convert those not of their mindset they need to appear pushy. The creepy thing is just because some people are creepy.
Yes, as much as ANYONE tries to convert those not of their mindset they need to appear pushy. The creepy thing is just because some people are creepy.
Mr. Blue Chicken, lol chicken
Why do they " need" to be pushy, why don’t they just leave us alone. Maybe the words they read about spreading their religion is metaphorical or something, and they should spread their religion by being nice and actually practicing what they have learned. Kind of like that commercial where one person sees a good deed being done and so that person does a good deed and is seen and so on and so forth.
I don’t really like candy bars too much, but I like to have a twix around… just in case. Almond Joys are ok, but the best chocolate was the ones I got from Germany from my boyfriend, oh! those were awesome!
Likewise, why do the ‘freethinking’ atheist militant assholes have to post numerous threads saying ‘Christians are fucked up hur hur hur hur, I’m so cool, hur hur hur hur’ trying to convince people that their own adolescent philosophy is somehow original or significant?