Where are all the women?

Where are all the women? (philosophers)

I asked this question of ‘where are all the women philosophers’ on another forum I was on. It brought up some lively discussion, but unfortunately for me, I was unable to continue with that discussion after I was banned there. So I submit it here for your perusal.

This question of mine arose from my limited exposure to other philosophical forums and the fact of not seeing many or any women participate there. I wondered if philosophy was of much interest to women?

What are you thoughts and how many women philosophers do we have here?

V (Male)

For free access to my earlier posts on voluntary simplicity, compulsive spending, debting, compulsive overeating and clutter write: vfr44@aol.com. Any opinion expressed here is that of my own and is not the opinion, recommendation or belief of any group or organization

I tried to contrubute to your thread in that forum, but found my responses either neglected or attacked ad hominem. For what it’s worth, good luck here. I think the topic is not sexist and deserves good responses. You’ll find strong women here! Send me a private message concerning your banishment from the other forum. As long as you are not trying to force a wedge between the complementation of male and female, I feel you will be welcomed here as I have been.

On this website, the quality of few the extant women more than outweighs an admitted dearth of them. But to ask for more like the ones that are here would be simply greedy.

(Is there an emoticon for “shameless pandering”?)


No need to discuss being banned. It has always been due to prejudice. I never fight…I just fright. Some people (in power) do not like to hear what I have to say and the easiest way to shut me up is to ban me. It is an old story in philosophy…just glad I do not have to drink the hemlock.

BTW, are you a male / female philosopher?

and thanks for the new word / phrase!


V (Male)

For free access to my earlier posts on voluntary simplicity, compulsive spending, debting, compulsive overeating and clutter write: vfr44@aol.com. Any opinion expressed here is that of my own and is not the opinion, recommendation or belief of any group or organization.

I’m male with a healthy anima. Faust is right about what you’ll find here.

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … philosophy

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … philosophy

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … philosophy

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … philosophy

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … philosophy

For your perusal.

I seldom see men philosophically topical. More and more I believe gender and humanity are all irrelevant, eclipsed by science and logic. I shudder every time I hear the words “human experience” prevalant in philosophy. Probably just my human experience.



Science and logic are facets of human thought, thus they are part of a whole, and not the whole.


The scientific method is primative and has created a dark age.

Women don’t care about philosophy :slight_smile:

XLNT links,



Women don’t care about philosophy?? Why so?

What topics in your opinion are of interest to women if philosophy is not one of them?

On the last forum that booted me there were a few women in disguise that came forward and exposed their gender in the thread. Some even took on male names to hide gender due to sex harassment, but many claimed to do it for equality of thought within the discussion .


Women are for men’s desires and whims. I come here only to flirt and be flirted with - after all, we woman are a devil’s angelfood cake. A virtual fest of fluffiness. Lowfat, of course.

I am just waiting for the big one any minute now. A bandwidth nightmare!

To be serious… I have been puzzled by this myself. I think wrestling alligators intellectually is challenging and being here is just that. I do have a theory that everyone can argue with, but here goes. Men have a harder time with communication - women are overly communicative so their levels of intimacy are easier to find within their friend-base. I think this is a communication haven for men - tho’ they won’t admit it. I have generalized about everything else today -so c’mon boys —>detonate me.

I’m not sure about the “communication haven” bessy. I think it is more like a sport, a philosophical soccer game with each guy bringing his own ‘balls’ to kick around. However, this is changing I believe. More and more women are getting a sex change. I think this is sad because the more women become like men, the deeper our crisis will become.

I agree about the sport thing but I do feel that men have a harder time with intimacy in relationships. God, I hope women are not evolving to the sex change. Women have all the things that men do not and visa-versa. What I like about men the most is they punch each other lights out and usually it is over - of course, at ILP, I have seen sides of men that I didn’t know existed. Fascinating.

great…so now I’m androginous… or a dude…
or a dude in a girls’s body… :astonished:

I think a lot of V’s question has either been ignored, or else answered in an almost vacuous way.

It is a simple fact that there are far fewer women philosophers than men, both in history, in current academia, and as dilettants. The question is, why?

In up-to-uncomfortably-recent-history, prejudice was obviously a factor. Primarily before 1950, but even up to the 1970s, it was tangibly more difficult for women to enter academia. The question is, at what point (if at all) did it stop being sexism, and was it something else? I think it’s pretty clear that women currently, if anything, have an easier time finding academic posts in fields lacking in women (math, philosophy, science), because our society is now uber-conscious about avoiding sexism. So, at some point, sexism stopped being a primary cause, and the primary cause became something else - presumably one or more of 1) lingering social pressure (it’s un-lady-like to be a philosopher), 2) innate difference in desire (women are less likely to enjoy philosophy), or 3) innate difference in ability (women are less likely to be capable at philosophy).

Obviously almost everyone will want to point to 1 and shun 2 and 3 - however, I think that’s a mistake. There’s very good evidence that women mathematicians are more scarce because of different brain structures - men have more grey matter, women have more white matter. This is also a pretty solid explanation for why women dominate fields like english, literature, sociology. If it takes an advanced analytic mind to become a mathematician, it may well take a similar mind to become a philosopher - and so women may, on average, be less intellectually predisposed towards this kind of symbol manipulation than men. Of course, everyone can point to a woman philosopher, either here on ILP or in academia, who can trounce many men. This is irrelevant - of course there are phenomenally capable women. The point is, phenomenally capable women may be fundamentally less likely to occur than phenomenally capable men, at least in the field of philosophy.

This argument is in no way an excuse for sexism - women are more capable than men at generally an equal number of things, and even if they weren’t, capability isn’t an excuse to treat someone differently. But this argument does have a lot of scientific backing, and if we’re searching for the truth, it would be a shame to ignore this possibility just because we’re all very liberal and progressive. Desire for belief does not justify belief.

I am interested to hear rational responses!

I’m sorry about that whole business you had to go through at Harvard Twiffy. I know that can’t have been easy for you.

What do you think of your replacement?
