Where do you live?...

I live in a shoe box with my mom and two rats.

I’m a Piney. For those that know what that means, good. For the rest, lets just say I play pool with the Jersey Devil out at Leeds Point.


I live within boundaries and battles where freedom rings, this place named after an italian merchant and cartographer "Amerigo Vespucci " .

aside fromt hat, i live in my own poetic perspective of life :wink: , like hell i’m using it here! :slight_smile:)


I live next to a shitty, polluted ravine, which is next to a polluted field, which is next to a highway, which is next to a MacDonalds.

I’m fairly certain that it cannot get any worse than this.

Ohio is probably the most politically coveted state, yet could there be more ignorant people that live here?

I now live at the end of the Earth, If I walk 100ft(30meters) I would be under 45ft(15m) of water.

I used to live on the NW slope of the Hill of Hope in the City of Dreams in the Valley of Tears but I have relocated. It was depressing me, too many new age types and lost hippies wandering around.

I live in an average sized city in Ontario Canada, but what makes this place truly “home” to me are the memories and experiences I’ve had here. Without them, it wouldn’t matter where I lived. Living somewhere and being ‘home’ are entirely different to me, since home’s in my mind and with my friends and family. Nowhere else. :slight_smile:

I really don’t live in anything, but, my stuff is in my home which spills into a shop and then overflows into the yards.( I do not really claim the overflow and spillage, that would be my guys claims) If I have to say I live in something it would be in fluctutating states of euphoria, worry, fear, anger, happy, sad, giggly, cantankerous, stubbornicity, but mostly love.

I could have made this a run on sentence, to keep to your request but, then that would not have coincided with the others and I did not feel like looking like I was browning my nose. It is hard to make rules here and even harder to enforce them on everyone. LOL too many individuals and not enough sheeple.

“hell wearing make up”

I live in a perpendicular unverse called “Joe’s Apartment” which is slightly oblique to the one you call home.



Ah, S. Korea and Cambodia - interesting.

Settle down! It’ll be OK if you let it! And how do you know your thought process is so different?

I live in a sea of possibilites where i lose my paddle frequently. AKA northern Ohio
Hey OK Computer I’m a fellow “dumb” ohioian!