Peter Kropotkin: OK next, civilization. Civilization, relationships, sharks,
all have to keep moving forward or they die. We have
stopped moving forward. Any civilization that has stopped
focusing on tomorrow has already died. And it comes back
to ideologies. Our ideologies have failed.
IMP: the only ideologies that have failed are socialism/communism"
K: Sure, Leninism, Maoism, stalinism have failed. But none of them
were Marxism as defined by Marx. Communism has never been tried
before. When Marxism as defined by Marx fails then you will be correct.
K: Ideologies give
us a vision of the future and a means to achieve that vision.
We don’t have that right now. The British had that when they
began their great drive to being a world power. They had a
vision of where they wanted to go and a means to get there.
(world domination, via the sea, England ruled the world by
their domination of the sea)
IMP: america has replaced England via mass media and economics"
K: thus missing my point. We did not become a superpower
with a vision of mass media and economics. We became a superpower
with a vision of settling the west and the outdated idea of manifest
K: In the U.S. we had a theory
called “manifest destiny” We had a destiny to rule the
American continent, all we had to do was simply go get it.
And we did, by the millions, people went west and
conquered what they truly felt was theirs. They were
following the vision of “manifest destiny” The ideology
drove the vision and the vision overwhelmed a continent.
We have lost that ideology, that vision, (any vision for that
matter) and now the future is murky.
IMP: "wrong. we are (and will continue) shoving our manifest destiny and conquering all over the rest of the globe. nothing murky about it. "
K: Well lets see, how’s it going in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I see stunning success there. (attempted droll voice)
K: We try to replace
failed ideologies with ideologies full of fear. We now have
fear and that drives the search for ideology.
IMP: “the only ones filled with fear are the lefties that cling to failed socialist policies”
K: The bush’s failed presidency has been one of promoting fear.
Recall that Chaney said in 2004, “if kerry was elected we could
expect a nuclear bomb blast in America.” How is that not a fear tactic?
K: A country that is upcoming, one that is on the move, has a positive vision, a positive ideology about themselves and the world.
England during glory years, Rome and Greece during their glory
years, American during its long ago glory years, all had positive
upbeat, look to the future kind of ideologies.
IMP: “glory years”? LOL"
K: yep, glory years.
K:Then end of Rome can be easily seen, when it adapted
the negative, fear based ideology of christianity. At that
moment, the decline of Rome is official, anything after
that is waiting for the fall, which came
officially in 476, but was there a century earlier.
MY guess is in the future, historians will mark the end
of the American destiny with the election of Reagan in 1980.
IMP: "no, that was the end of the ussr and the totalitarian marxist/socialist dream.
K: Upon further review, reagan was a average president at
best, AT BEST. Again, the communism of the soviet union was
not communism of Marx, but of stalin and lenin. that failed.
K: Conservatism is an ideology of looking past, viewing the past
with greater support then the future, seeking in the past answers
to the future, supporting tradition instead of innovation.
IMP: then burn your gospels of Lenin, Stalin, Marx and any
of their past ideals"
K: I dislike Lenin, Stalin, Mao. I have made that very clear.
Someday, someone will try Marxism as advocated by Marx.
Alas, not in my lifetime. My lifetime has seen the death of
American democracy and freedom. 200+ years of the American
republic died within the last few years starting with the patriot act,
the theft of the elections, the NSA eavesdropping on america and
the silent destruction of the constitution, the illegal signing papers
of the village idiot.
K: The end of america lies there at that moment of
Reagan’s elections. When a country reaches back for answers
instead of going forward, it is dead, it is done.
I’m just waiting for the fat lady to sing.
Perhaps on American idol.
IMP: “she sang when the Berlin wall fell but you refused to hear.”
K: she sang for the failed stalinism, not for america.
That is to come.