… _hole.html
huge giant empty space discovered…
is the edge of the universe close behind?
-Imp … _hole.html
huge giant empty space discovered…
is the edge of the universe close behind?
A few of us are discussing this in another forum and it has been posited that what appears to be a hole, or an area of no-thing-ness might be a parallel universe that is an exact mirror-image that cancels our ability to sense anything within that area. There may not be a ‘hole’, it just may not be capable of being sensed in this universe.
Wild stuff? Yup.
It must be … God.
Why does science insist it knows the truth and then says something completely out of wack? lol
It is what happens when a unique observation becomes the origins of the next paradigm.
Science never says it knows the truth. That is reserved for those religious. Science deals in probabilities and is every ready to be shown it is in error.
The minute we stop looking for answers to the unknown, we die…
The hole is nearly a billion light-years across. It is not a black hole, which is a small sphere of densely packed matter. Rather, this one is mostly devoid of stars, gas and other normal matter, and it’s also strangely empty of the mysterious “dark matter” that permeates the cosmos. Other space voids have been found before, but nothing on this scale.
How do they actually know that there is no normal matter in it? Our technology is that accurate?
It’s where Kobol is.
Jeeze, hasn’t anyone here watch Battlestar Galactica/read the Book of Mormon?
Now that is a combination I had not put together. That changes everything now.
I’m not kidding. Battlestar Galatica is to Mormonism what Narnia is to Christianity or The Lord of the Rings is to the Nibelungslied.
Hmm, hadn’t thought of that. I see what you mean.
‘Science’ is not actually a single person. It’s different people working to understand what’s going on, and claiming and proving contradictory things constantly.
Anyway I don’t get what the big fuss is about this desert in space. No natural laws seem to have been negated.
Well Xunzian. As important as I felt that reading the book of Mormon through and through was . . .
I will just have to burn in he . . . err . . . soul extinguish, or . . . err.
What the fuck is supposed to happen to the bad Mormon anyway?