Where is the universe?

Can anyone tell me where the universe is?

Does anyone object then if I write my address:

Phrygianslave the Wise
Planet Earth
Milky Way
The Universe
God’s Mind
My Mind
God’ Mind/My Mind - recurring to infinity

So would the universe ultimately be in a place called infinity?

Does the universe exist? Is it an idea, like god, that can never be proven absolutely? Therefore might one say that if you accept there is such a thing as the universe then you have also to accept there is such a thing as god. Otherwise you have a glaring contradiction.

Any thoughts? Personally I am of the opinion that the universe only exists in the mind of god the creator, what do you think?

there’s a logical fallacy in the statement you just made…

anyway, i believe wittgenstein would say your bumping your head on the limits of language… the nature of the word “universe” is such that to give it a place where it is is non-sense, nothing more, nothingless…

simply put, you’re playing language games

This is the thing that typically irks me about such forms of theology. It admits that it is confused regarding the limitations of our understandings which is clear in your concerns over what exactly the “universe” entails. Then, it turns around and denies the same confusion and begs the question regarding it’s conviction that there is no such confusion at all in which one typifies as “God.”

This, in itself at least to me, is a glaring contradiction. You started off great in regards to your curiousity of the universe, but you are merely playing with ignorance when you try to turn our ignorance of the universe as some known entity which is “God.” So in response I can merely retort, “no thanks.”
So what is there beyond our understandings of the universe? I don’t know, but I’m not going to impose that I do know and label it “God.” Some people have to have an answer for everything and I think “God” serves that well, but please understand that God is nothing more than a euphemism for “I don’t know.” I’m content with not knowing the extent of the universe and I find no comfort in assuming that I know more than I do which is what I think it being done with “God” in this instance.

Centered on and extending outward from the chair in which I now sit.

spatial location is a property of this universe and therefore does not apply to whatever type of “container” that this universe exists in.