Am posting a thread for no reason.
Isn’t that just great? I gunnu poop.
But the poo can have lots of holy flowers put around it.
We’ll say God made it.
That’s not a pile of shit, that’s God’s Will and God’s creation.
It’s got a big image and a big individual behind it now.
Now it’s not shit anymore, now it’s glorified ego.
Now it’s moral fame.
Next thing I’m going to do:
Randomly make offtopic replies at all threads,
Repeating my own personal opinions eternally.
Make everything more personal and ego-related.
Moralized, what’s valuable and what’s not.
What’s high and what’s low.
I’ll call it descernment, or, build some descernment overtop of it.
I’ll and the perfume of “Reason”, to mask its own stench.
And finally
I will not call it something I spat out or shit out, I will call it
A sort of fact, truth, or correctness [due to the descernment and reason layers overtop of it]. It will be of higher rank and value than the less armored, less described and less appealing.
I’ll pretend to think,
As my front and my shell of autonomy and mod-reality
My acceptable yet totally controlled and centralized reality,
As ideologies built over top of it, to mask it more.
All kinds of metaphysics and physics.
That is a perfect camo net over the implants behind it all.
You know what I’m gunu do?
Repeat the same old circular thought-loops and skins of ideas
For all time, like a machine set to generate and repeat whatever programs are set into it. I’ll build everything on a mix of old ideas that something else from somewhere else put here, then mask it over, with the fragrant and appealing shell. I’ll write books and make movies about it. I’ll make it famous. It will consume the attention, the mental space, the desires, the hopes and the dreams of all men. It shall be what they live for, what they totally believe in, what they work towards, what they turn to, what they build upon. I will control them all by feeding alone, as life revolves around a sort of intake. A constant feeding and breathing. My old and new same concepts, the ideals, the virtues, the gods and the anti-gods, they will be in the air and in the food of the mind. They will be set up high and cast down below. That is how to permiate the consciousness.
I will have wheels of filtered light,
Shine for so long that it numbs the eyes.
Into the back of the head is where the light goes,
Flipped upsidedown and in reverse.
That will all be what I do in the mean-time,
It will just be a destraction.
My true plans are to cut down a sufficient % of all forests,
So that large DOR fields form.
If that’s all done, then it’s over. It will really be all over.
My true plans are desertification.