Which do you hate the most?

Which do you hate the most?

  • Religion
  • Homosexuality
  • Terrorists
  • Democrats
0 voters

Which do you hate the most? Please explain.

EDIT I could not ad “me” as an option while editing this thread. If you hate me more than democrats, homosexuals, religious people or whatever else, just make a post explaining why. Thanks. -Scott

If it wasnt for democracts, i would be alot happier, they effect me more. homos, well i just dont look. Terrorism i cant do anything about(to a Certian extent), if it happens…all i can say is i hope it doesnt agian.
And religion can be ignored agian, most can be mainly ignored, democRatz effect my abilities in my own country.

Democrats and republicans (canidates) are the same, as far as the direction of the country. The have a secret handshake. The issues, they go back and forth, but remain the same in a general way.

If you dont see that, and procede to blame people on the bottom of the barrel because your overly selfish, then just chalk it up to survival. WE ARE ALL TRYING TO SURVIVE. Get it through your head. There is no wrong way to do it.

My impression of republicans is they grew up pretty well off, and maybe their father owned a small business and he taught them to be very selfish, in that they CAN NEVER picture what its like to grow up with nothing. They can’t even imagine what it’s like to grow up WITHOUT that father and what the consequences of having a single mother might be.

Just remember, republicans, with their rich family, are just one fatherly affair away from having a single mother and being fucking dependent on the welfare system. rich fucks.

I voted for religion, because I cant stand being on the same planet with idiot humans with the promise, the fucking promise to go to a heavenly place with these morons. peace out.

May as well link democrats and homosexuals together. Homosexuals want to destroy the whole world because of their personal fetishes, and democrats are the ones who want to allow them to do it. Terrorists pick up on phenomenon like this, and seek to destroy smaller parts of the world to stop this, but the democrats have the mass population in so much doublethink that only the terrorists are seen as world destroyers.
Religion ain’t that bad, it’s just the ones that are in power now that are annoying.

Your the moron, We dont go to Heaven…Why is there earth if he intended us to go to heaven? Why did he create all this shit? its for us to live on…duh. And i see your a little emotional about this, but not all republicans are rich, take me for instance, i grew up with a single parent mother, so ummm thats definitly ends your argument about that…but i dont even claim to be republican i just support there view a little more. Im independant because i cant completely agree with either side, but i still agree more with republican views. LESS FEDERAL MORE STATE GOVERMENT![/b]

oh, hum hum whistle whistle, what a beautiful day, I dont care about your life, because I’m a little less emotional.

I’m just wondering if you could explain this a little further. How would you be happier if Democrats didn’t exist.

I don’t know about him, but I’d be happier if alot of politicians didn’t exist. Democrats and republicans are equally reprehensible in my eyes so long as they continue to pander to terrorists, and hippies and the poor.

democrats want a strong National Goverment, 1 reason right there. I DONT. They pass laws i dont agree with, and if it was up to them, mexico and california would be ONE. They just let mexicans come right over the border and destroy my economy, rip money right out of it. Sending there children to our schools, our hospitals, leaving feces in the street, crime, the list goes on, and they want to allow this, they pass laws trying to give illegals rights, when they dont pay shit into the system and take everything out of it! IT INFURIATES me!

“my economy” haha

You know, I’m a bit disappointed with this thread.
Not one person came on and said that we shouldn’t hate people, or that they actually love a terrorist, or a homosexual, or a democrat, or even a god. This is very troubling to me.

Do you live in Southern California? Otherwise, your state economy, and MY state economy is diffrent. You arent effected like i am by Illegals. You dont see or feel the “Blunt” of it.

No, but i did mention that i dont hate anyone, i said that i hate certian ideas and values.

fair enough.

where’s your name on the poll?

Tried to edit the poll, wouldn’t let me. If you hate me the most philosophygirl, then feel free to explain why. I should have thought of that as a possibility when I started the poll, and I apologize for my lack of foresight.

and thats why I hate you!

I’ll have to live with that I suppose. Just know, that I don’t hate you. I think you’ve got balls, (or some sort of mild hallucinogen), and both of those I can respect.

balls-roll and bounce

That’s not all they do.