Which Einstein quote is true?

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

~ Albert Einstein,

or / and

“It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions,
a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a
personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it
clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is
the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our
science can reveal it.”

~ Albert Einstein.

My guess is both are true.

Einstein’s concept of God wasn’t a personal one. But he did believe in a God and was very much a Jew, so that influenced his idea as to what God is.

It would be wrong to make Einstein out to be a pious, Orthodox Jew . . . but putting him in the Atheist camp isn’t correct either

Wow – Einstein used the word “lame”.

He was indeed ahead of his cool time.

Einstein has made very clear his thoughts on God…It is the same God that Stephen Hawkings mentions:

pbs.org/faithandreason/intro … frame.html

I think more accurately, Einstein and Hawking’s God is the awe-inspiring and wonder of our extraordinary universe and reality.

It is fascinating, complex, and unique. At the same time, it is meaningless. I can imagine some arguing that labeling it as “meaningless,” detracts from the beauty and wonder of our experience, but I disagree. I feel there is a certain magic to reality having two completely different faces simultaneously. Our entire reality is a paradox, for it is both nothing and everything at the same time, which to me is a story-book ending to a question that has plagued mankind for millenia.

Other Einstein quotes to help make your decision:

Thank you and the others for all the replies

They are clearly both true.

EDIT: True in so far as Einstein said both of them, and considered both of them to be true. Not true in the sense of corresponding to reality.

If only one is true then i believe it to be the first one presented.

A) I think it sounds more like what Einstein would say, but then again i could also see both being quotes.

B) As the person who posted this is human they most likely fall into the same habits as most humans when presenting this post, in that they probably got excited an posted pasted in the first one before going to either make up or look up the second quote. This seems even more likely to me because this is not a large list of quotes but instead only two, so the person would not think about disguising the real quotes position among a group of others.

note my above points only apply if only one of the quotes is true

Heh, you mean he really should have said:

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is gay”.