White neighborhoods say no

google.com/hostednews/ap/art … AD95DBHIO0

I don;t know where to begin. someone begin please.

It’s not a particular location that makes a place a “good place to live”. It’s the people there, and the economic situation.

Of course the news media will jump all over this story and portray it as a racial issue.

The couple in the photo are “section 8 housing voucher recipients”, which means that their housing costs are subsidized by the government. This is bad for the other taxpayers in that area.

Also, I noticed that the complaints were about loud obnoxious parties, violent dogs, and muggings comitted against schoolchildren.

I think that anyone would be pissed at anyone, of any color under these circumstances, especially when you’re talking about a nice place like the bay area.

You work hard, you make the right choices, you teach your kids to be civil and productive and smart.

Then just down the road people move into the nice community that you’ve made, they live there for free, and they commit crimes against it.

If the complaints are true, I can’t blame them for taking action.

Wonderer, now there’s a good example of fear. As far as I know everyone has the right to live where they want. If they can afford to live in certain area, then there should be no problem with. Still though, ethnic enclaves occur in most cities. That is true where I live. We have what is regarded as barrios and black sections of town. This is probably due to the ecomonics and possibly the educational aspects of the people who choose to live in those parts of town. Plus, along with the feeling of fitting in. The US should have moved beyond such facets of life, but it sadly continues.

I just don’t think this is a racial issue. The people are coming into nice places where people have built good communities and they’re living without contributing anything, and on top of that they’re bringing crime and making a nuisance of themselves. White, black, asian whatever. It’s just garbage.

…but they are black. Look what the cat brought in…

I just don’t think they’re mad at the people for having black skin. I think they’re pissed about the nuisance that’s come to thier neighborhood and not only isn’t pulling it’s weight, but is costing the community in safety, comfort, and peace.

and to fix that, they propose removing these people from the neighborhood.

Does this community really have no biggerproblems than their children getting mugged (by other school kids i’m sure) on their way to school?

70% of the people they want evicted are black.

They are already on subsidy housing. that’s where they were told to live. And this noble and well off community doesn’t want the unwanteds muddying up their properties.

Crime rose… property values dropped… Evict them i guess.

here’s one i know isn;t about race

charlotteobserver.com/local/ … 40390.html

could it be the case that these people are a nuisance, and a burden, and that they just happen to be black?

I mean, by your reasoning, if a group of people decides to do something bad, so long as 70% of them are a minority, then it’s wrong to stop them.

Not all of the people on subsidy housing cause these problems.

It’s racial profiling and discrimination to evict 70% black. it’s wrong to evict them as a group at all, that’s discrimination.

I guess we’d need more facts to continue here with anything other than speculation.

How about this…

I think it’s wrong that something like 90% or so of the bankers who have been investigated and prosecuted by the sec are white. How come they aren’t going after black bankers?

Because i’m sure not many bankers are black.

i suppose i would need to get the statistics of the white/black ratio to back up my profiling claim.

So you admit that we need more data in order to determine whether or not most loud music blasting, pit bull raising, schoolkid muggers are black and on subsidized housing?

Well we can assume that the subsidizers are causing the problem.

We know it’s wrong to mass evict them…

And if 70% of the subsidized tennants are black, then we can assume they were chosen even handedly.

If not, we must stop and ask why more black people were chosen than white, especially if black is the minority.

I see no precedent or grounds or a mass eviction. that’s just plain old and boring discrimination.

Sometimes it’s the consequence that matters. If getting alot of people out at one time, so that the original members of the community can go back to peaceful and clean living is what it takes, it ought to be done just for the consequence in spite of the fact that at first glance it seems like a nasty thing to do.

oh so the ends justify the means, and one persons comfort justifies the discomfort of another…

Just so long as i’m the dictator…

Well when one person steals from another I guess your right. Thier comfort depends on stealing from the other. Wait…
