white race is better?

i have been thinking…(I already felt this for a long time but didn’t ponder it mentally) that the white race is somehow stronger…
not necesarilly smarter… not that ‘they’ are dumb, they are average or above average in IQ matters.
but maybe jewish people are ‘smarter’ in IQ matters while white people ‘aryans’ are STRONGER meaning more healthy and with a stronger ‘will’…

this sounds very hitlerish…i know…and i don’t mean to be pollitically incorrect… i have to emphazise also that i am not white, i have dark brown hair and brown eyes and my skin is light but not red…anyways…
what do u think?

i got this thoughts from life itself, not from books…

i think we are more open and accepting than other races. Example: i am white, i hang out with a family of mexican occassionally, and everytime im labeled “wheto”, or “white boy”. same with blacks, cracker, whiteboy and such. But its never like that with my freinds and family toward others, there is no racial issue, just a person. we remmeber there name. Its kind of why i find it hard why were the “racists”. but i do agree, that whites are definetly more rounded.

Try reading a genetics and biology books for insight. You claim is totally invalid. Jews and Asians are not any more intelligent than any other ethnic group, they work harder and value education more than many other groups.

Try reading Stephen Gould’s The Mismeasure of Man for enlightenment.

I don’t think there is any racial superiority at all, because if we say superiority is based on cultural achievement, then the chinese are way superior to the white race 2000 yrs ago, the Arabs had advanced mathematics, medicine when London was a small village. How can a race become inferior in a matter of thousands of years?

But I do believe there are racial differences, and racial tendencies just like there are differences between man and woman. To ignore racial differences is to ignore the facts of the issue and be ridiculous.

Differences does not mean superiority, just different way of doing the same thing.

that’s cause u r mainly ina white environment…maybe a mexican or black hanging out with your family wouldn’t be a name…he or she would be ‘‘the black guy’’ ‘‘the asian dude’’ or the ‘‘hyspanic chick’’…

ok sorry, i didn’t mean to say that whites are not as smart if that’s what pissed u off…
i’ll make no more philosophical blonde jokes lol…
BUT i still think that the white race somehow is phisically stronger… what i meant is that maybe not intellectually or spiritually but PHISICALLYstronger…like more resistant or something .
like they have more libido or stamina …i dunno…

The European peoples are in decline and dying. How can they be stronger? They are letting Muslims into their homelands. Their spirit has been destroyed. They are a tired and weary race. A new race is forging and developing in the Latin American region that will soon come to dominance.

Viva La Raza

Just think about it. There was a time when Egyptians and Sumerians could claim superiority, but they were eventually surpassed by the Greeks and Roman in classical antiquity. They were then the masters. Next the Arabian culture came to dominance and could claim superiority, but they also faded away into an empty shell. At various times peoples in India and China showed greatness, but China and the Arabs really started to decline right about the time when the Western European civilization came to dominance.

We are reaching of climax, if we have not already, of European man. His current superiorty will be surpassed. The growth and decline of civilizations is built into the very structure of the world and a conscious evolution takes place in a natural fashion. Wearyness flows throughout the populations.

It is time for the South American Zeitgeist to grab a hold of its supremacy and crush the remnants of the dying, fading European race.

I prefer blacks myself.

They have more personality and I find them more interesting than the average white person I meet.

I think if we look at whites we see a bunch of fogies caught 4 paradigms behind -trying- at best to rule the world, and at worst going against cosmic forces blindly and dragging the world down in a pitiful greed-fueled lack of humanity – and then a bunch of similar skin-colored peasants who do nothing but watch TV and follow orders blindly while slaving away only to give up their money without knowledge or justification.

I’d make the motion that the white race is quite possibly the weakest (physically), most unintelligent (enviromentally) and the most robotic and subservient (If you live in the west look outside/the mirror).

But they’re sneaky, so that gives the temporary illusion of intelligence and power.

Right, you “dunno.”
Yipes, another one.

Screw La Raza and their need to turn my country into a sewer. Remember, the Mexican American War was instigated by Whites who did not want Mexican rule in the Southwest – Understand. The Southwest was basically White when the war broke out. :imp:

chill…i’m hispanic too…i’m just trying to be scientific and impartial.

i guess its all a matter of opinion…
but i do find them more elegant and artistic.
(not all whites and there are elegant and artistic specimens in other races too, i am just saying there are more in the white race)

Don’t take what I said seriously

This thread is retarded in the first place.

If we look at dem niggrums den we see dat dey are more slower, more dumber, more stupider and more damn uselesser dan de whitey people, and dat all de problems of de world comes from de niggrums. Damn dem niggrums, dey to blame for everythin’…

I think u are all a bunch of low life wankers.

Isn’t it just shameful old timer? The nerve of these youngsters!

Of course you find an overwheming preponderance of great art, architecture, music, philosophy, technology, scientific advancement, etc… in white civilization, but do you not think it will be surpassed? That seems to be how the stream of history flows. In the past, if you were born a European and you entered a city like Baghdad, you probably would have been amazed at their superiority.

In a way we can think of it as the world spirit moving into peoples who have been preparing a temple, taking full advantage of that temple and bringing the world to heights unimaginable, but eventually the temple decays and declines in beauty and strength.

This temple becomes uninhabitable and the world spirit moves on.

The simple truth is, like it or not, you can pick a random decade from the 18th century, and, with impartial eye, in Europe you will find the blossom of thought and art so abundant, the breadth of scientific and cultural progression so extensive, that, if comparison must exist, would overwhelm the combined recorded (or, for that matter, created) history of all the other continents.

Europe>>>>Rest of World