White....The Minority?

I honestly feel like the whites arent neccesarily the Minority when it comes to numbers but rights. It seems like everyone else comes b4 us. even women. its like the white male is held down because were on top.
But the thing is were not on top anymore. the playing feild has been leveled but we still have the handicap. because were …NORMAL. Were not weak or held down by anything like color or race or sexuallity. We cant bitch about anything and as soon as we do…WERE RACIST.

Which if you think about it was just like the slave days. the blacks bitched and knew it was wrong. Hell most whites did, but no one did anything about it cuz the majority likes the way it was because there not affected the same. Wow… alot like this situation. Amazing how the years gone by everything has managed to flip. and the world is going downhill in my opinion. yet when whites basically ran this country it was booming! were the youngest country and the strongest.

Check out the average payscale.

At least in America, the White man is still lightyears ahead of most everybody.

Does that mean that it might suck for a couple of people? Yeah, probably.

But, the fact remains that due to connections and that whole deal, the white male is still starting life on the 100 yard line and everybody else is stuck in the end-zone.

A 25 yard penalty might seem like it sucks, but you’re still ahead.

good point. but its just a double edged sword help one weaken another. there are many poor white communities. i will admit that my way isnt fair, but no way is. we came here escaping our problems and earned it. now everyone is doing the same but there using are work that we did to build this country and just destroying it.the reason there behind is because we were first. WE CAME HERE not them we took boats. they are here cuz we were here first. thats why whites are ahead. life isnt fair. they need to realize that too.

Try copying the address of this picture and using it as your avatar instead. Your current one is a little big, no?

thanx. ya like i said i got a stupid blocker. i get bypass it but i dont like to frequently cuz thats when i get caught lol. so i save it for certian sites. but ya thanks alot finally got one that will stay.

By assuming the nation started out White is already doing huge classes of people a gross disservive, additionally, given the waves of immigration that have occured in the US, breaking it down into simple race lines in terms of ‘who got here first’ is intellectually dishonest at best.

There are a good deal of African American families that can trace their roots in America quite far. Indeed, that is more the norm since the majority (though recent immigration is making a sizable dent in that) of African Americans are descended from Slaves who all would have come here before the slave trade was officially ended.

Which is largely what these programs are about – adjusting past prejudices. Is it fair that a population was held in bondage? Is it fair that, even after the physical bondage ended that laws were created to limit their access to power? Is it fair that Asians were paid next to nothing to build the transcontinental railroad and then kicked out? Is it fair that Japanese Americans were robbed of their property in WWII?

Thinking of it in terms of ‘weakening’ and ‘strengthening’ largely misses the point, which is to give better access to the pie. A white person is more likely to know someone who knows someone, just because of the way the power structure in America is presently. Would it be better if it were done on a purely economic scale (because a poor white person is pretty much denied access as well)? Eventually, yes. But right now there is a large degree of systemic inequality that needs to be addressed. Once the systemic problems have been equalized, then we can talk about making it an economic scale. Otherwise, it runs the risk of being an “old boys’ club” where like helps out like (an unfortunate truth of history) so the trick is to expand the membership of that old boys’ club to include a variety of people. Ideally along the way fostering interracial relationships to blur the distinction between groups, but definately shattering stereotypes, eventually redefining the (often poisonous) concept of race in the American psyche.

i think what your saying is right but you missed my whole point. i know its not fair. but im talking about the fact that the idea that we are not all equal…i personally think im smarter than the average person , or another example im not in a wheelchair, the world has its way of working out the weak…but the american way now is i strive to excell and now i have to support the weak! who cares if it isnt fair, IF ya dont like the service go somewhere else, dont change my menu. im just bascilly saying is why must i suffer because they had a worst life than me? i have to suffer to make there life easy, but no one is making my life easy. thats my point. they should start from the bottom. i mean when u join the military. you dont start at the top. you dont have privilages, but the higher you go the more you get. If what your saying is then we should let black poeple in the corps all get to start as Generals and CWO’s how fair does that sound? but because everyone else started earlier they have to suffer? its just the way life works. you make your way to the top. they are given stupid ass handicaps!

The problem is the idea of ‘starting’.

People start out at radically different levels that are totally independent of their inborn intelligence, strength, ect. Just the legacy of past policy decisions which were terrible.

They aren’t strengthening the weak, but rather given the strong who happen to be non-white a chance. That is the idea behind diversity and why it is a good thing.

If everyone started out on a level playing field, then I would be all for social darwinism, but the problem is that the playing field is incredibly skewed. These programs are designed to address that.

In america buddy we are on the same field, only diffrence is how much money your parents got!

this is what i got from your rebuttle…

so your telling me that i just have to deal with the fact im held down? sounds alot like the position the slaves were in. I have less of a chance to get a job in this world than to a black child born at the same time i was, simply because my for my ancestors bad treatment towards them. im not saying that i deserve anything more than what im getting, i just think that the black guy should get the job before me souly on the reason that they dont want to be seud for being racists. thats straight up FUCKED! :imp:

I think the real problem here may actually communication based. We need more words that mean ‘racist’, including some light degrees of racist that are accepted by society. Image if the only word for any kind of hostile behavior was ‘violent’. It would come to mean everything from ‘grumpy’ to ‘murderer’ if it was the only word we had, so if someone was grumpy or angry they would effectively get called a murderer, inducing a irrational fear of being seen by other people as being grumpy.

Racist has had the meaning ‘genocidal’ for at least as long as the end of World War II but is also used to describe people who think all indians eat curry.

Are there any words meaning ‘a tiny bit racist?’ If there isn’t we should invent one.

That, or if anyone accuses you of being a racist, accuse them of being a whiney bitch. That works too. :astonished: :wink:

Perspective is what you are lacking here.

Chances are, even with the rules in place, you still have a greater range of chances than your average minority.

most black guys have hummers or cadillacs and well, i drive a camry. see my point? your saying that i have more of a chance because my white father worked at a grocier store for 36 years and i had money in my pocket, is that what u mean by a better chance? o yes he was a single parent. skin color doesnt get you anywhere but in front of a white guy…plain and simple. Fear, fear is why it stays, no one wants the label of RACIST. so no one fights.

The statistics would suggest just that:


But it isn’t just income, it is also issues like home ownership and education:


Which are the problems that are trying to be addressed.

Minority denotes power…99% of congressman and CEO’s are white…all but one supreme court justices is white…every president ever has been white male…whites make more money…whites are more likely to go to college…whites are less likely to be in poverty…whites are not a minority.

Well put Nihilistic.

im not saying that there are less white poeple when it comes to # of people but rights as an american.


WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH WHITES BEING AHEAD in america…if i went to fucking mexico i would not expect to have the same chances in mexico being white, yes life is going to be harder for me, but so what its not like i cant go somewhere else. life is not fair, get used to it. You dont even challenge me, all you do is bring up Insignificant information. if you go to england, do that blacks there have any more rights than the white? [/b]

ironic, given your whining… if we want to give minorities an advantage, what do you have to complain about when your life maxim is “life is not fair, get used to it”?

Bingo. Aside from Nihilistic and Xunzian’s well-meaning drivel, the funniest thing about this thread is the hypocrisy both ‘sides’ are using to try to justify their positions without realising how it undermines everything they are saying.

No, ‘minority’ denotes number of people. Only in liberal politically-correct fuckup land does ‘minority’ refer to power.

And of course, all white people are identical in terms of their ideals, aims, desire and wishes, so the uniform wishes of white people are grossly overrepresented in corporations and government.

More seriously, this only demonstrates that these CEOs and congressmen aren’t lacking in power or subject to stupid hypocritical policies due to their race. It says (literally) nothing about the rest of the white people.

See above.

And of course, it’s impossible for while males to have anything but the single, uniform white male view of politics. I mean, the chances of one of these white males presidents using black female ideas is so low as to not be worth discussing.

Oh, wait, hang on now… Bugger me rigid! That Condy Rice woman’s a black female isn’t she? And she came up with the so-called ‘Bush doctrine’ of preventative pre-emptive warfare, didn’t she?

This completely, utterly, totally and without hesitation ruins your argument.

In total and on average, yes. But this doesn’t mean that there are no poor white people suffering the ignorant and thick-headed hypocrisy of liberal dickwads who want to tell them that because Bush is a white male and so are they that they are to blame for racism and massive economic inequality.

Like, wow. They’re much, much, much, much, much less likely to get a free hand into college too. They’re much, much, much, much more likely to get in because of their class and other demographic situation, but it’s almost impossible for a white male to get state-funded help to get into university, compared to the same situation for a black female. Inequality will breed nothing but further inequality.

Yeah, so let’s just totally overlook the ones that are…

True, but not for any of the reasons you’ve listed. They aren’t a minority simply because there are more of them.