No, ‘minority’ denotes number of people. Only in liberal politically-correct fuckup land does ‘minority’ refer to power.
And of course, all white people are identical in terms of their ideals, aims, desire and wishes, so the uniform wishes of white people are grossly overrepresented in corporations and government.
More seriously, this only demonstrates that these CEOs and congressmen aren’t lacking in power or subject to stupid hypocritical policies due to their race. It says (literally) nothing about the rest of the white people.
See above.
And of course, it’s impossible for while males to have anything but the single, uniform white male view of politics. I mean, the chances of one of these white males presidents using black female ideas is so low as to not be worth discussing.
Oh, wait, hang on now… Bugger me rigid! That Condy Rice woman’s a black female isn’t she? And she came up with the so-called ‘Bush doctrine’ of preventative pre-emptive warfare, didn’t she?
This completely, utterly, totally and without hesitation ruins your argument.
In total and on average, yes. But this doesn’t mean that there are no poor white people suffering the ignorant and thick-headed hypocrisy of liberal dickwads who want to tell them that because Bush is a white male and so are they that they are to blame for racism and massive economic inequality.
Like, wow. They’re much, much, much, much, much less likely to get a free hand into college too. They’re much, much, much, much more likely to get in because of their class and other demographic situation, but it’s almost impossible for a white male to get state-funded help to get into university, compared to the same situation for a black female. Inequality will breed nothing but further inequality.
Yeah, so let’s just totally overlook the ones that are…
True, but not for any of the reasons you’ve listed. They aren’t a minority simply because there are more of them.