Whites Only Theatre

WOW! I currently reside in a small town witha population of about 80k, and any time I watch the movies, race is not a factor concerning the jackasses that ruin the movie for me. It is usually your college jocks that do all the shouting in my theatres. Regardless, I dont think forced exclusion will solve all your problems, it will just create more.

[EDIT]tyou racist [-X [/EDIT]

having the experience of working in a theater… id have to inform you that its not black people its kids. someone should make it illegal for kids to be in public.

Get yourself a nice DLP projector & a 100" screen and just watch your movies at home, Thirsty. :slight_smile:

Finally! The voice of reason. :laughing:

No, thirst, you’ve got it all wrong.

All you need to do is have a huge tub of bleach that us black folk can climb in before the movie starts. That way, different skin color – no noise :smiley:

You’re bored eh?

Duct tape the cheapest baby sitter of all time! Its not the kids. Give heavy fined tickets to the never say no to their kids, parents.

Its about time someone spoke up concerning this type of nuisance , I agree , I also think Negros are often more aggressive and louder , Prone to violent outbursts . I saw something in a documentary once saying this was genetic .

Look at Brixton in England , the race riots in America . But when you try and mention these things , they get confrontational like you say . Im no rascist , I have black freinds , mostly mixed race , & I once prevented a black child from being run over and damn nearly killed myself while doing it . Love black music .

Aparently very dark blacks are more aggressive . I dont believe its genetic , it would be rascist to assume that , I just think they,re frustrated about being black somehow . Anyway , I dont think a banning from public places would work , re-educations the way forward I think


Even better, duct tape those parents and their kids together.

That works for me. :evilfun:

Loved your post DoL on a number of levels…

Er… Why…? Women have tits. Is that statement sexist…? It would be racist to assume blacks are more aggressive by choice. To link it with genetic traits would be to turn it into a statement of fact - without a racial bias.

:laughing: Dunno why, but that makes me laugh. “We shouldn’t whitewash over the caucasian issue.” For example.

Er… You’re proposing we re-educate their skins…?

You guys crack me up.

It is always the young blacks that ruin the movie going experience. That has been my experience. I was even going to jest that this is a young black person’s punishment against whitey. I honestly detest the word “nigga” and it is thrown around so often in a young black person’s vocabulary that it angers up the blood.

Now, I have no doubt that in other areas, whites, hispanics, and/or asians do the exact same thing. The point was not about blacks vs. whites but rather about silent and appropriate vs. annoying and loud. In fact, I should also start a “no babies allowed” theatre. But in my movie going experience, it’s always been the blacks causing the problems. So I started thinking of solutions and I found it funny that racism was an answer that could work. Socially speaking, I realized that it was unacceptable so I wanted to get your opinions. What better way to do that then to present it the way I did. Just look at your reactions!

Anyways, any takers on the baby free theatre?


[size=200]YEEHA … BANG … BANG …[/size]

:smiley: :slight_smile: :frowning: :astonished: :confused: :imp: [-X


Excellent idea. :slight_smile:

I dunno - Are they black…?

I think you should charge babies twice as much as they make all the noise…


I use to talk in theatres alot. Me and all my friends. In fact, the funniest thing I ever said was when we went to see Titanic. Do you remember the scene when some random extra fell off the side of the boat, hit a propellar and his body went off spinning?

Well I did the Homer Simpson, “Doooh” at that point.

The entire theatre erupted in laughter.

And guess what?

There were NO BLACK PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRE THEATRE. It was all Dominicans, maybe you say, “It’s all the same.” But being Hispanic and being Black are as different as being British, South African, Australian, Canadian and American are.

My point is, is that you want to look into the Hip-Hop culture to answers. People with a ghetto mentality don’t understand the rules of white society. Rules that make sense to reasonable people, but some of those guys have inherited a hate towards the system that can’t be erased.

I no longer talk in the theatres. And last time I saw a movie, there was a group of punk rocker / skater kids making all kinds of noise. I also was the darkest person there.

Age and culture, not race.

And no, you don’t sound racist to me, you sound like almost every white person in Carlsbad that I know.

How about teens in general, “Who wrote you into the script.” We quit going to the movies more than 10 years ago because of the big mouths. Just purchased a big television.

Once there were two rival groups in the show and it was a most unpleasant experience.


aspacia :sunglasses:

Wow, I had a good laugh over that one! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Last movie I was at, there were these little black kids running around yelling etc. This didn’t annoy me as much as when the movie was over and the lights came on, where one of them was standing by these girls I knew, there was a pile of shit on the ground.

And he was old enough to not be a shitter.

Little black kid shit in a blockbuster one time.
I was wondering what the god awful smell was, and I looked down the comedy section aisle, and there was a little doody sitting on the floor, I went and told the people at the desk and they said “God dammit not again, that little kid always shits in here, Tom its your turn to clean it up.”

Hum, folks the skin color of a person has zilch to do with behavior. The very dark Blacks born and raised in the USA, along with the Whites, or other ethnic groups behave much differently than the Blacks, Whites, etc., from Africa and other cultures. The cultures differ as do the behaviors.

U.S. citizens generally have more aggressive behaviors that many other ethnic groups as our “freedoms/rights” have been pounded into us for many years.

With regards,

aspacia :sunglasses: