If by rebel you mean against the norm then I would have to say my mom was. When you were sad or upset she would annoy you until you laughed. even when things were at their worst she made you laugh by being a royal pain in the neck.
If you mean rebel as in against authority then I dont know who that would be, most prople I know are fairly laid back so not much reason to rebel.
as for stubborn I would have to say my grandmother, on my mothers side, whos oppinions include: Tv is the root of all evil (hense she only watcher childrens shows and game shows), new technology will all crash and well all be in the darkages(hense her not buying anything invented after the 1980’s) and people who dont agree with her are “ignant” (no that is not a mispelling thats her pronounciation).
Before my mom died she made the pastor promise to wear a calgary flames jursey, there is a long rivalry between the edmonton and calgary teams, and my mom was a flames fan in a town very close to edmonton. the pastor was embarassed as hell but at least her funeral wasn’t with heavy hearted.
When her sister was sulking when they were children my mom gave her a “supprise” namely a newt. When she was older (aka. late thirties) she had a friend who was deathly afraid of snakes, My mom baught her son a rubber toy snake, Go figure.
Mom had a lot of fun with what she did and she allways liked to see people smile, so she made them laugh at the most inconvenient times, she was rebellious in the sense that if things wer going one way she would turn them on their side just see how they would get back up again, though thats probably more jovial than rebellious.
like I said most people I know dont fight against authority, they may gripe and complain but if you show them the other side to the matter they usually accept your point as valid and let it be.
my gandmother however is as stubborn as an Mule, Whenever you try to tell her something that goes against her oppinion she calls you ignant and throws what seems like a hissy fit, which technically it is, when you call her bluff she quiets down really fast.
An example was one christmas she began to argue about a comemoration of a hockey star saying that they dont deserve it, when my mom tried to tell her the other side to the issue she said something like ‘nowbody appreciates me, Mabey I should just kill myself’ Mom thretined to drive her streight home, even got ready and everything, grandma shut up then and there.
She does it for attention, of this I have no dobut, otherwise calling her bluff wouldnt startle her so much.