Philosophy branches off into so many different areas I suppose , but I guess the root of my dilemma lies in what all these philosophies do and for whom?
So im going to suggest that thought is what fuels philosophy, but not just any old thought; Objective, unbiased thought. Can we all think critically?
ok ok…so im going to take a leap and suggest there are two types of people…Joe Ordinary and umm Noam Chomsky. Joe lives life and sees life as most humans do; as they view it through their own eyes … face value.
Mr Chom chom is a thinker. Someone who questions and researches these “realities” and reduces them to their lowest common denominator.
ok…Mr Chomsky travels the world and speaks his mind to the masses. He changes minds and influences many.
Most of the people he speaks to in gymnasiums and auditoriums are often predisposed to his work or the issues he presents. So for the most part his crowd is filled wiith thinkers and people who question political leaders, policy or whatever have you. Some of these listeners may exit the auditorium “enlightened” and the reality they knew before changed . Things make sense to them now (assuming what they heard was true). Their own minds took this new form of information and digested it into something they could understand in a very literal way.
ok…so lets say Mr chomsky spoke to a bunch of Joe Ordinary’s. They hear his speach and like the first group will change their minds about a lot of things they once held as truth, but will they believe in the literal reality the words of chomsky convey or just turn it into another concept to take for face value? “Mr chom said somethin I never heard of before so im going to believe it”.
When we watch the news we are given a 30 second clip of the devastation (or lack of) of a war stricken land. Most of us see that as a truth, a reality. Most do not consider that all they saw was a mere 30 second clip of a small piece of land that may or may not represent the whole.
Do intellects process information in a more practical way? A way that offers more insight into a given concept or issue?
Do average folk just take in information and decide purely on senses and feeling?
Who are philosophers truly for, Other intellects? If persuasion and influence is the only reason for passing on knowledge then philosophy is for everyone. If philosophy strives for true understanding then philosophy is restricted to the thinkers.
Im sorry if my thoughts seem a bit choppy and lacking any flow. I do this for myself mainly, but some feedback would be appreciated.
You can always tell me to go read a book about this subject, but Im not looking for standard answers. Tell me what you think, because I want to know what people living in my present world believe.