who are your favorite philosophers?

i admire picasso, i awe nietzsche, i adore einstein, i enjoy dali.

Hello, I just joined the forum. I like the British Enlightenment. John Locke would be number one.

I also like John Stuart Mill, Thomas Jefferson, Joeseph Priestly and others from that period (mid 17th thru mid 19th century).

I also have a bit of a taste for Jewish philosophers from the middle ages (e.g. Moses Maimonides).

I like the dude with the big moustache and the communist guy probably the most. I also like that danish guy with the hunched back and the jewish dude who got in serious trouble with the religious clergy in amsterdam way back in the day.

The french guy with the lazy eye is good too.

And finally I like that guy from the vienna circle who had the big head and short temper. No not Russell, the other dude.

crazy horse and sam colt


aristotle, scotus, quine, hume, frege, popper… :slight_smile:

Tu Weiming, Van Norden, Mary Tucker, Yi Yulgok, Kaibara Ekken, Xun Zi, and Zhuang Zi balanced by a hodgepodge of other occidental philosophers (Locke comes to mind, as well as aspects of Popper, Plato, Aquinas, and Marx).

Jesus Christ dude, nobody knows those people!

Don’t you know any normal philosophers?

By the way…I had some yi yulgok once at a chinese buffet. It was honey-mustard if I recall correctly. Good stuff.

By philosopher,do you mean anyone who was known as a philosopher,or someone philosophical that did not consider himself a philosopher? would that count?

Which is a pity. Certainly Zhu Xi and Zhuang Zi ought be as familiar to philosophers as Aquinas and Nietzche.

It’s funny, because Yulgok is obviously a Korean name. Certainly not Chinese, by any stretch of the imagination

Xunzian, I meant to ask you this a long time ago. Are you Chinese?

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Flava Flav, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Sartre, Shakespeare[?],

sartre, marx, thoreau, goldman, kierkegaard, de bevoir, bentham.

I’m PoR’s worst nightmare – a half-caste.

I’m sure Freud would have some very interesting things to say about me.

Wm. Blake, Goethe, Nietzsche, Aldous Huxley, John of the Cross, Meister Eckhard, Ghandi, MLK, Alan Watts, Buckminster Fuller, Frances DeSales, Simone Weil, Matthew Fox, Chardin, Buddha, Chief Joseph, Chief Seatle–just to skim the surface.

Xunzian, why not post a photograph? You must look amazing, in any case.

I want to get to know some specimen before I set up the planned GGL, Genetical Globlisation Laboratory, in honor of Friedrich Nietzsche, based on his theoretical groundings in the Dawn,


I actually read the aphorism partially quoted myself. It was a future generation breeding plan for producing Overman-friendly products. He named and analysed a European mix, including the French, Germans, Jews, and he added that “a drop of Chinese blood will do good”.

But we are afraid if, as a result, we produce more Kants:

By the way, regarding Pinnacle of Reason, you need not worry.

Not necessarily. If your other half is nonwhite, he wouldn’t mind. He promotes the Aryan race, but admit having a few Jewish friends while posting under an avarta of Hitler with the username Himler.

He’s harmless and plenty fun. His only nightmare is that he is invited to have sex with a woman. The man is not totally without shame. He is just trying to rememdy and divert his problems by preaching and racialising. A kind of anti social sainthood, dark messiah complex.

He’ll quit as soon as he gets laid. But that probably suggests he’ll never quit. He resides in Australia. If one day he should be exiled and hide in America, you go seek him out and deliver him back to Mrs Murdoc. She’ll make him understand.

GGL, my future laboratory, will employ PoR, for inter speciesial experiments… I can gather plenty evidence from his posts here, for my human right lawyer to argue in court why PoR deserves to be locked up with female chimpaneez (named Porgy or something) in the laboratory. But we’ll release him as soon as Porgy does her job. You can’t expect PoR to be a good father to anything.

[size=92]Epictetus[/size], [size=125]Spinoza[/size], [size=109]Leibniz[/size], [size=92]Nietzsche[/size], [size=142]Bergson[/size], [size=142]Whitehead[/size], [size=75]Foucault[/size], [size=167]Deleuze[/size], [size=125]Davidson[/size]


Epicurus, Marx, Wittgenstein, Derrida, Orwell, Stingray Timmins

I like alan watts and I’m pretty sure, yup, he likes me.


Ohhh, thank you for the essay.

In all honesty, the similarities had simply passed me by! This puts Li Zehou in a whole new light for me, thank you.

Though it isn’t terribly surprising that I missed it, Mou Tsang San is a Yangmingist if ever there was one and I’m not a huge fan of the School of the Mind (though they do bring up some good points every now and again).

Time to check out Kant again.

As for the race issue – well, I always understood PoR to be more for each race staying within his its own racial group. Regardless of one’s intrepretation of PoR’s “philosophy” I would not be kosher in PoR’s book.

Heck, my father is barely acceptable to my grandparents. But, they do make it a point to mention that he is definately not Japanese, so it could have been worse. They also don’t have terribly progressive views on Koreans or African Americans . . . So I think it was pretty much going to be a lose-lose no matter what.