Carl Jung
Rabindranath Tagore
But, they do have progressive views on Chinese or Mexican American? Well that is good enough for the time being. We progressivists must respect conservatism. We must fully affirm the present in order to pass into the future in one piece. Lenin was too fast and not affirmative enough to acknowledge Marxist philosophy to its full extent. So he blew it for us. Patience, not pessimism, for our current mishappenings.
You gona post a photo or not? Your kind is going to takeover someday, sir, your photograph will be in the museum and looked upon as a precious two-race mix, by future generations who will be in the common orders of twenty-race mixes. You will worth more than Tiger. I am afterall, an investor.
And I do not misinvest in my GGL programme. Mixtures are intellegent, strong and good looking, if mixed with the right ingredients. The recipies is the task. Nietzsche has already laid the theoretical foundations. We need, however, adding more physiology into that foundation. You microbiologist? I’ll hire you. I shit you not, if you lose your job because your boss find you aliensome, then come and seek me out. I’ll be somewhere based around Chicago, where my cousin works for JPMorgan so the spacious basement beneath her mansion can be my starter lab.
We must take over, in an integrating way, the west. We must make sure that Greco-Judeo civilisations contribute to the future gene pool that is dominatedly descended from the most basic and foundational civilisations of humanity. Whitemen, being inauthentic appropriators, have the tendency to get bloody, rushy and extremy. Their existentiality is not foundamentally firm or rooted enough, whichgrants them a certain progressive power in freedom. But to establish supreme freedom and power, we always need to lay back on proper grouds and spring our of deeper roots. Thus Heideggerian philosophy is penetrative and pisses off everybody whose philosophy swings around. Karl Marx and his follower swang about likfe mad. But it is normal in the western hemisphere, nazism, fascism, racism, neonazism, satanism, darwinsim, capitalism… their properties.
We, including you, must recongnise that childrens eventually need to be recollected and nurtured into adults. We must, keep our ancient pride in line with our discernent, at all time. Like Zarathustra of Persia, we must hang our snake upon our eagle.
Pantheon looks like the temple’s roof around the corner of my Chinese hometown. The temple itself is missing here, not there. We must build, here.
So, basically, this is bull. Drop this nonesense, Xunzian san. You need Shyster to tell you about his Blonde Chinese nephew and so on. But that is just to superfacially encourage your hormono power. Your intellectual power, with regard to this, must be based in the Dawn.
Your father, is a sumurai. But he must use an altogether different kind of katana with your grandparents. You must learn from his diplomatical failures and turn yourself into an interracial schmooz. You have the duty to be a charismatic spokesman for this grand human future. Your kind must rule, for the sake of saving humanity. This is no hyperbole. Genetic struggle, from the biological perspective, is the basic going of any speciese.
Genetic struggle, cultural struggle, and so on, come together in one as the supremely powerful sculptor and mankind. I am talking about the God that Jesus never saw. This God, by divine right of birth, is already encompassed by and in you.
You need to become who you are. You have no choice. You, or nothing.
Bullshit. This is a win-win, no matter what.
My favourites, at last, is no other than The Libraic Five:
Fricho, the pround young man who first anwsers the call of fate and declares war in anger after being humiliated by Christ.
Heirry, old foe of Christ who joins the fight.
Bernado, expert gunman, especialises in integrating and differentiating enemies.
Fouco Lee, finding new kills in America after doing Sartre and Camus dead on the continent.
And lastly, Brorty, deadly with his pocketglasses.
“Medieval astrologers, in contrast to modern perceptions of the sign, believed “Whoso es born in yat syne sal be an ille doar and a traytor” (those born in that sign, shall be an ill-doer and a traitor).”
Explain this, Uniqor. Says here Libras are traitors. Well?
I didn’t think it was possible that anyone could be uglier than Sartre, but that Rorty fella…jeez.
That guy is so ugly, his mom had to tie a porkchop around his neck so the dog would play with him.
Darin de Stefano
The Plejarins
Carl Jung
The Hopi indians
Rabindranath Tagore
The Dalai Lama
Medieval astrologers, like medieval philosophers and scientists, must be updated and has been updated. Regarding the unfaithfulness of libras, it is well explained. You can google it out easily. This unfaithfulness is what brother Rorty specialises in when he philosophises. It also plays a part in the alleged contradictions of Nietzsche. The most unfaithful libra makes the best lawyer, whose moral flexibility, interpreted Nietzscheanly, is their leathal weapon.
I am interested to establish the relation between astrology and philosophy,as part of my gigantic scheme to integrate supersition with science. When I read The Libraic Five, I relate their philosophies and try make out their libraic traits, for example.
Two more is needed to complete the Libraic Seven
, who happens to be Rorty’s favourite.
“You think you’re daddy, huh Albert? You are going down man, soon.”
Rorty is pretty, detrop, you must take a relativistic approach and refraining from comparing him with Jude Law.
There is no such a thing as an ugly libra.
There is only the exceptional cases of beautiful nonlibras, who usually possess descends or ascends in libra. The Classical Greek ideaology is essentially libraic. Perhaps that is the determinative origin for western aethetical tastes. Will Smith might not be as popular among African tribesmen as he is in America. In Zen Japan, his lack of earlobe is likely to be an aethetical downturn, an antibudha.
Modern times see driftage away from the classical ideal, but the root is deep. We are not short of first rate libra celebrities, even to this day. There is no mistake or coincidence. The future trend, insofar as darwinistic evolution is taken into account, shall be an overwhelming breed of beautiful people who start to exalt ugly people, when the basic economic principle is taken into account. Nature takes its turns. Your time will come, and leave. But right now we still pretty much pertain to Greco-Judeo here in the west. A kudos or knidos is still in the price range of pointer billions.
Heidegger, as appeared here, is of the above’s gender counterpart.
I’ll add all the people on the album cover of “Sgt. Pepper”.
Libras are childs-play, Uni. A walk in the park for Cronus. … ricorn.htm
“You may not even notice him at first as he quietly and calmly watches all the flashy, pushy, charming, aggressive and brilliant personalities around him. Everyone in the group will seem to have suÂperior equipment for the race-any race. Lots of them are bluffing, some of them are afraid, but they’re all highly polished, and the Capricorn doesn’t seem to have a chance against them. Yet, he will win.”
No he’s not. He looks like an ork. I can tell by his gut he hasn’t worked a day in his life. Standing in front of that chalk-board with his hands out as if he were saying to the class “see? I’ve got it all figured out,” while whispering to himself “jesus, if the kids ever realize I’m full of shit, they won’t buy my book and I’ll have to get a job.”
Uniquor’s line up is great. I would add Heraclitus, Beauvoir, Derrida, Gadamer, Ricoeur, La Rochefoucauld, Dante, Dostoyevski, Goethe, Sartre, Stendhal, Wilde, Ponty, Husserl, Levinas, Montaigne, Pascal, Beckett, Proust, Lyotard, Deleuze, Picasso, Manet, Arendt, and really any other thinker who had a vibrant imagination and rigorous interpretive eye.
Nevertheless, Plato, Nietzsche, and Heidegger are the greatest thinkers that have ever walked the earth and wrote
Kierkegaard could beat em all with one hand in his pocket.
Ya definitely put Kierkegaard on that list, he belongs there for sure. thanx
Make no mistake, D, the beauties of the mind are belongings that indiscriminantly endow the entire constellation familly. Each animal, like capricorn, possesses its own unique and deadly leathal weapon. Libra, not being an animal, is intrigueing as to what its speciality might be.
I was emphasising on the beauty of physique. Though we do happen to have quite a few big names in philosophy that pertains to libra. But the advantage there is not that absolute. A beautiful mind cannot make up for an ugly body, not physically, but perspectivism matters. However, I assure you I did not suggest that capricorns are ugly:
“Micheal?! Where have you been all these years? No… no, it’s too late. It’s too late, Micheal… no, get off me… let me go, no… oh Micheal… ok, dinner… just dinner…”
“Shit is untouchable, it is the becoming and being in one, the panta rhei, and it heightens your essential perspectival powers most effectively, so that you may achieve continue self recreation - for shit is the actualised metabolism of your existentiality. Here at Stanford, you shall will to shit - deep, deep shit.”
Epicurus, Nietzsche, Lao Tzu, Plato, Tao Te Ching, Voltaire, Goethe, Santayana, Aurelius, Descartes, Socrates, Aristotle, Buddha, Sun Tzu, Thoreau, Ghandi, Churchill, Myself.
I am my own “favorite philosopher”. Thank you, Pythagoras, for saying “Above all, know thyself”. In this sense, I hope that you all may be your own “favorite philosophers”. Something the alleged Christ said about not calling him rabbi or master comes to mind. We are all equal in terms of our essence or Divine Reason.
Ultimately, I’m the only philosopher that matters in this neck of the woods, still giving credit of course to others without whom I would no doubt be a rather sorry humbled slave of Sophia.
No, I’m not going anywhere without me. God is in me, and us all. Look no further than within. We are all microcosms of the universe and all its eternal laws starting with the Law of Love.
As at my stage I play and write music much more than I listen to and get influenced by it, so do I express my own thoughts as much or more than I read those of others. Many believe the path of a philosopher is the path of a voracious reader, however this is often merely the path of a voracious reader.
By the way, have you ever heard that philosophy during Pythagorean times was regarded as pure religion, in the sense of true religion? Not the common false religion that has always been. Of course, only a few then and now can see this clearly.
For now…
Plato, Locke, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Bergson, Spengler(prophet), Sartre.