God is not an isolated individual.
He is an invisible composite of the entire atomic universe.
Every atom is imbued with and radiates His consciousness.
I call Him HE
for we know who SHE is
SHE is our universal mother
Matter embodied
pregnant with life
The invisible Presence of God
is essential to our social cohesion
HE represents an absolute standard
of uncorruptible goodness
Every child requires such a standard
as a monitor of growth
Since HE radiates His goodness within all of us
HE cannot be dismissed from our consciousness
His subtle presence is felt
with every uneasy trespass
To those who acknowledge Him
He brings the comfort of witness
to every breath we take
so we are never alone
Any society that dismissed Him
is by definition
left without a standard of goodness
and is doomed to inevitable corruption
No, no, no. Bad name. It needs to be something cool. Like, oh say, OMNIMAN! Just think, Omniman and the Spider Beast! Omniman and the Large Zapping Gun!
And yet Religion and Man relentlessly concieve of the God of the Universe and Everything as a Man who writes books and judges ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ on even the most petty of squabbles.
How might we distinguish what you’re describing here from the regular, ol’ composite of the entire atomic universe? And doesn’t the word ‘universe’ already cover that concept pretty well?
We=everybody else but me and Lyseract (dan if he chooses to join us).
I haven’t the time or patience to join your circle of disturbing events.
you call him Atom - i call him [target 1 selected].
If we regard the earth as a vast delicate dream-web in which we’re all embedded, things begin to fall into place…The normal state of the web is stable, but if people in one area pluck it by radiating bad nonchristian vibes, it begins jangling and triggers earthquakes and calamities over its whole surface. That’s why God because of his love for us gives us fair warning to drop phoney gods and turn to him to prevent all calamities.
Dreams and webs are very fragile things -
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one’’ (Albert Einstein)
“You can be in my dream if i can be in your dream” (Bob Dylan)
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on” (Shakesp’s The Tempest)
“Strawberry Fields…nothing is real” - The Beatles
“Whatever the natural cause, sin is the true cause of all earthquakes.” - John Wesley (1703 - 1791)
“What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14)
Family-based Animism was our first naive awareness of the invisible Witness to our thoughts and actions
We knew Her in our Stone Age infancy as, MA
Mother Nature rewarded the hunt and frowned at trepass.
Mothers continue today to remind us in our infancy of the invisible Witness
and because our trespasses are so small we remain superstitiously aware of the flow of rewards for good behavior and the pricks and and scrapes that follow when we transgress.
Clan-based Shamanism was our second stage of Divine awareness.
We knew God in our Bronze Age childhood as, PA.
With our naivette as superstitious infants lost, gifted Shamans acted as mediums between the living and the dead.
We built totems to honor our ancestors
and gave homage to animal gods
We made sacrifices at harvest time
We trembled under heavenly thunder
marvelled at bolts from the blue
and dreaded the dought.
Children today continue to revere wizards and dream of dragons and talk to Mickey Mouse.
Nation-based Holy Scripture was our third stage of Divine communication.
During our Iron Age puberty we were initiated into conscientious crafstmanship
Idealism flowered and Champions of God became our idols
whom martyrs died for
and all of us dreaded the hellfire of trespass.
Dredges of those ancient dreams and ideals remain today among pubertal initiates
God was rejected in the fourth stage of our evolving awareness.
Learning Scripture gave rise to a pseudo-intellectual teen age mind
that automatically rebelled against rigid religious dogma
During the Steel Age we replaced the invisible enigma of God with the logic of science.
The divine rights of Kings were challenged
International Republics were formned
and the unwritten codes of Goodness were replaced
with the written Constitutiions of Men
And so now as we enter the Nuclear Age of globalism
a fifth stage of adult responsibilities begins to flower
As the finite boundaries of science begin to be defined
and the pseudo-arguments of Babel begin to bore
while the infinite complexities of planet management loom
the eternal attraction
of the Invisible Witness returns
Truth, Love, God cannot be defined by any scripture.
The Trinity shifts and changes with time and circumstance; is unique to the individual consciousness and is therfeore essentially inexplicable.
Ultimately written Scriptures and National VConstitutions will fade into history.
Human socialty will mature as self-policed planet mangers beyond the need for religious ministering or bureaucratic supervsion
Beautiful Prose. My understanding is that Kant shared a similar idea of the neccesity of God. That Humans need God for a social cohesion. Kant didn’t say we need dogma, but, “the intent so as to act as if there be a God”
Idea of God
Kant stated the practical necessity for a belief in God in his Critique of Pure Reason. As an idea of pure reason, “we do not have the slightest ground to assume in an absolute manner…the object of this idea…” (A685/B713), but adds that the idea of God cannot be separated from the relation of happiness with morality as the “ideal of the supreme good”. The foundation of this connection is an intelligible moral world, and “is necessary from the practical point of view” (A810/B838). Later, in the Logic, § 3 (1800) argued that the idea of God can only be proved through the moral law and only with practical intent, that is, “the intent so as to act as if there be a God” (trans. Hartmann and Schwartz). See Argument from morality for more details.
A spiritual injunction to the modern psyche, which I feel may be more current, is to act as if one where an evolving aspect of God - who is experiencing Himself through us and the drama of our lives.
After all, if God is omnicient then we and everything else are God.
Why? If God is the name for a a standard of goodness, there is not need to call it god or to embrace God. The only need we see is for a standard of goodness, and there is no necessity for a God.
If you want to blindly assert God is the only standard for goodness you’ll have to write a very different thing, a fundamentalist pamphlet.
Many people I know and love have a very high standard of goodness and almost none of them believes in God. Those who are the best, the most kind and nourishing to other people do not. I do believe in God and I’m not a very good person. I’m seflish.
God and Goodness - or “Godness” are one and the same - a state of Divine/Cosmic Consciousness. As stated from the first post, God is not a Being, but a universal Consiousness That is all that really exists, no matter what name we give it.
To dismiss Go(o)d from the State is simply a reactionary empirical attitude that is essentially pseudo-intellectual. Mankind’s belief in a supernatural presence that radiates goodness, predates Scripture and our current immature political interpreations of what constitutes goodness.
Marx, the ultimate pseudo-intellectial religious protestant, knew nothing of prehistoric animsim or shamanism. which were universal intuitive insights into the presence of GOOD. Belief in go(o)d was never an opiate - it was and remains a social survival imperative.
Organic creatures have a “sense of unease” when they trespass. Without this Nature would be chaotic. Man has elevated Natural goodness or non-trespass to a sublime level. (War - to a satanic level) Morality is always relative. The goodness of Creation is Universally Absolute. Every atom bows to it. “the pleasant sentiment of existence” would not be if Nature’s rigorous guardianship of non-trespass did not underpin it. Endless unease would make life unlivable