Uniqor you are in England right? Where are you from originally if you are a foreign student? Just curious.
Oh sure Uniqor! I don’t get too excited about the philosophical stuff only the social stuff. That and people trying to kill me over poorly developed science fiction concepts.
As you may remember, I am a pretty big Nietzsche fan. I’ve read his books and biographies about him and so forth. A good book is called Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Nietzsche But Were Afraid To Ask. It’s a fun book.
Anyway, I do not agree with his concept of the superman. The idea seems boring to me. I mean that it presents a boring life for the superman.
The comic book character Superman, as far as I know, was designed as a rebuttal to Nietzsche’s concept. Also, Superman fits well with Alfred Adler’s ideas about what the best kind of human would be. The best and strongest type of person is a cooperator that uses their strength and intelligence to help others.
The comic book character could take over the world if he wanted to by force. He doesn’t though. However, he in a sense has taken over the world via his good works and people love him. Meanwhile, the bad guys are always portrayed as having a lot of power as well, but they have the goal of forcing people toward their will. Ultimately, people gang up on them or they do something stupid and loose. Had they been nice and cooperative like Superman, then they would have gotten at least a part of what they wanted.
So, I see the superman as being the type of person that helps people and wins leadership through admiration as being far greater than a ruthless tyrant type. If you think about the people that we love (I guess most average people love these types) and admire the most down through history they are usually people that were creative and inventive in some way. Creators make ideas that are presented in books, plays, movies, social, political, and entertainment concepts. Inventors make things that help us and make life easier. These people become immortal.
Anyway, my concept of a superman is one that is not tied to material goods and uses his/her mental and physical talents to help others. A person like this is going to be free from a lot of stress and will have good feelings coming his way that will keep him healthy.
This does not mean that he would have the weakness and shame that Nietzsche believed was instilled by religion. Rather, he would be a bold and confident person that is looking out for life on Earth.
Much of this is colored by how I live my own life. I can’t think of anything that I have even done while helping people that I regret. Meanwhile, it feels great to think of a way to save someone, say from dying, as opposed to the feeling that one gets from cheating the cable company out of some free cable. Sometimes when you help people they treat you as if you were Superman. It’s great!
Anyway, that’s my only major compliant.