I am moving to Florida. In a month. Anyone live there? Wanna PM me? Mebbe we could, at some point, arrange a RL meetup. Since this official Super-Deluxe ILP Summit Conference Meeting has proven to be a bit iffy, I am taking matters in my own hands. One by one. If I live long enough. Which I probably won’t.
You will live forever Faust. Foreveeer.
That’s comforting, Satori.
Then the important question becomes -
Will I retain control of my bowels for all that time?
Bowels scmowels.
You will have greater control when you can hook up like 8 bags of poo and get rid of it whever you want. Instead of being a slave to that “gotta go” feeling you can just fire and forget.
Who’s a slave to it?
I forgot you’re not all in Maine.
Land of the newly wed and the nearly dead, s’my habitat straight up.
faust, you’re going to live to be 100. You’re not giving up that easy.
I just mentioned to Faust the other day, in a super secret PM, my friends, that I was just in Florida a few months ago.
It’s really a very nice place just to be. The flora and fauna are a treat if you’ve been spending any time in a Northern climate and the people are very nice. It seemed that half of England was vacationing there, but the English blended well with their Southern cousins making for some nice interaction with the people. Certain types of warm climate are very good for the mood.
If you get the chance the trip is worth it.
Yes I live in Florida, born and raised here in Sarasota.
Did you want the hot info on which Freedom Village has the ‘strip bingo’ night where they spike the prune juice?
The last thing we need is more of you people, and by that I mean northerners, especially THAT far north. Siesta Key in Sarasota is supposed to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the nation, but the problem is I can never see it because I’m always blinded by the light reflecting off of your disgusting, pale, tourist bodies.
Thats why I do my part and throw at least one of you people in the river behind that old golf course at least once a month, be warned.
However if you do ever make your way around Bradenton I really hope you run into my old Filmmaking teacher, you guys look exactly alike, in fact you are probably brothers seperated at birth. Hes a mad pothead too.
Oh yeah that reminds the bud is great, if you want I can give you a couple of numbers.
You mean the High Arch Priests and Moderators of the First Order of ILP, SIATD, Ben, and Obw have not held council on these matters?
The majority of the cool people, which is pretty much you and me, Faust, are on the east coast of 'Merica, as Bush calls it.
I support you in your decision to claim jurisdiction over these matters and commendare the High Arch Priests and Moderators of the First Order of ILP of its power.
Raised in Bradenton, attending FSU. You don’t know me. Have fun in FL.
Booo. USF ftw.
Just remember, Kebop, I am usually armed. The south is not the only place you will find rednecks. I have been to Siesta Key, to witness that stupidity of people lining up on the beach to watch the sun go down. You should come to Lover’s Key. That makes that list, too, and without all those dopes.
I will contact you when I get down there. There is an Army-Navy store in Sarasota where I get mil-spec paracord, and gear bags and such. And a redneck store not too far south of there that I like to go to, that I think has a good price on Rugers.
Perhaps we could have a cup of coffee.
I think that I can get you a good deal on an AK-47 or a custom 50 caliber manstopper.
Check with your local authority.
Will do. Florida’s pretty cool with that stuff. One reason I’m relocating. Thanks.
I perfer car-bombs, you like high-school parties? I’m a well respected alum…
I’m currently in college at Stetson (in Deland), about 3 hours north-east of Sarasota. I’ll be heading back to the SRQ sometime around Thanksgiving.
You know one thing I like about those high-school girls…I get older, they stay the same age.
One of the things I must do in Florida is ocean fishing. I have three state-of-the-art Penn deep-sea rods which I have never used.
You hook it up so we can go fishing, Faust, and that’ll be cool.
I thought about the possible meeting in the winter, and concluded that since I am going to tour Mexico (I have to be at the Aztec ruins at a certain time for reasons I cannot tell you), I could just wait until I’ve raised the cash for the trip and then on my way down stop by and hang-out.
If at such a time any member who has at that time befriended another and planned to go to the meet, and who also wanted to join this tour, would be exceedingly welcome.
I have the idea in my head of a caravan of sorts, a few vehicles of ILP’rs and many members, travelling around the continent or a smaller distance. Personally, I can go on such excursions for periods of months at a time, if it was decided by the group, and with enough time in advance to prepare.
Such a trip would have to be planned years in advance and much money must be saved (for those who don’t have it). Also, the idea of a large group of us meeting would help each of us feel more comfortable with the odd friend/stranger relationships we have at the forums.
I wouldn’t feel safe alone with LA because she has a crush on me, so I would need some of you there with us.
Detrop, be careful of projection
Listen P, you’re new and you don’t understand how LA and I operate, mmkay?
I show my affection by insulting and critcising her and she shows her patience for me with her Valley Spirit Passion, or something like that.
So you can’t just invite yourself into our little dramas, P, and pretend like you know what’s going on. I’ve already proved your psychic abilities to be a farce so you can’t practice on my stuff. Only a few know when I’m being sarcastic and those members are old members.
Now detrop, don’t get upset, I understand how tough love can be.
I suggest 40 situps, a warm towel, and a cool drink.
This is like so weird, since like, I actually do do situps. Of all the things to mention, you happened to mention something that I already do. I think the chances are too slim for that to happen.
You just might be psychic, Mr. Predictable.