History repeats itself. Great nations in the past had risen and fallen. Great nations in the future will rise and fall, and equally true in the case of the great nations now. There will come a time when the present race will perish from cataclysm. But there will always be the Chosen Ones-- guided by an unknown force or spirit-- who will survive and become parents of a new race. When this will happen, we do not know. The bible mentions the great flood where the chosen ones Noah and his family were saved and started a new race and populated the earth. We have heard of the lost continent of Atlantis. Then there was also Lemuria. Mother earth is sick and needs recuperation. Maybe cataclysm is one method that nature uses to heal itself. The Southeast Asian tsunami was maybe part of this deluge. When this(cataclysm) happens, who do you think will be worthy enough to be the chosen ones to start a new race and what will be their influence on the new race? The god-believers, the unbelievers, the advanced scientifically minded person, the blacks, whites, asians, muslims?
This is a very interesting topic, and if I may provide a link with relevant information to this topic: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_Recen … n_Ancestor
In short, the MRCA is believed to be a single human being that has lived in historical times (being that he/she existed during the time frame of written human history). So, according to the MRCA theory, we (being everyone alive at this point) can find a common ancestor in a single person, or body.
As for the Noah “myth”, the story itself has existed millenia before the bible was written (in many variant forms, of course). For example, the “side-story” of Utanapishtim (also known as Ziusudra) in the Gilgamesh Epic (most popular Babylonian mythological writing).
Quoted from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utnapishtim
And as for the myths of Atlantis… well, let us say simply that Plato (or whoever recorded documents proclaiming its existance) could not see past the Straight of Gibraltar. Sorry!
The existance of Lemuria (or Mu), however, are of much more interest to me because of its relevance and influence to the Ancient Mexican/Incan religions, as indicated by the Madrid Codex (Mayan):
Quoted from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemuria_%28continent%29
So, according to the MRCA theory, we (being everyone alive at this point) can find a common ancestor in a single person, or body
I don’t agree with this statement for with the chosen ones are also the Lucky Ones, the not-so-advanced individuals that have migrated to safer places and thus survived. ex. aborigines of Australia, and some African tribes/bushmen.