Whoa! I'm an ILP Legend!

And all I needed to do was type a lot! :stuck_out_tongue:

ā€œPeople who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.ā€ Jean Jacques Rousseau

I wonā€™t say any more :smiley:

Way to go, my cordon-bleu philosophical friendā€¦ Iā€™d like to think your 1000th post was deep, meaningful and revolutionary - but it was probably the one where you told the Adlerian where to get offā€¦ :smiley:

See you soon I hope in the legendary green-room, and nice new avatar btw. Which is just so going to piss off POR. :evilfun:


  • Tab

Yeah, I might not have much to say, but I make up for it by saying it often. :laughing: My 1000th post was probably something sarcastic designed to piss people off. Actually, I think it was my list of ā€œ20 Albums You Should Have, But Probably Donā€™t.ā€ Now that Iā€™m an ILP Legend my recommended discs will be flying off the shelves! :stuck_out_tongue:

If PoR sees it, I mean it in the best way. :unamused: :wink:

how much do you have to type to get that?

ooh! and this oneā€™s great too!

btw:congrats phaedrus!

:sunglasses: ā€”Happy 1000, Phaedrus!


You think about me a lot donā€™t you!
I have a ponytail as well. Itā€™s like we are the same person almost. Right? Ha!
Anyway, I love Turkish food. Shall we dine one day?

Not so much how much you typeā€¦ Rather - how much crap you typeā€¦ :smiley:

Ah - the Alderian, following me around like a hate-sick puppyā€¦

Apologies for the smell everyone.

Thatā€™s love sick! You mention me and then rebuff me! You are fickle young man!

I use a lot of garlic in my cooking sorry to all, but it is good for you, soā€¦

Hey Phaedrus,

Do yourself a favor and have Ben change the ā€˜legendā€™ thing into something else. When I hit 1000 I got a half dozen PMā€™s with people (good-naturedly?) poking a stick in my eye or up myā€¦ Itā€™s nice to have friends, but the pressure of being a legendā€¦ :laughing:


just make sure itā€™s something wittgensteinly clever.

or would you prefer nietszcheā€™s aprobate?


Nice pheadrus, this reminded me of the days you, me and future man ranted along. btw, enjoyable avarta, lovelily misleading also.

woah! im noticing all sorts of new avatars now!!!

btw: does his mean you dont wear undergarments either? you hippy

welcome to the Legend club that was started by Magius!