
I don’t subscribe to the ‘big bang’ theory.

…but without all those elements you’ve mentioned above, nothing would exist… otherwise you’re inferring, by default, that a cosmic consciousness would exist regardless of that/of all else. So something coming from nothing.

Consciousness… human or otherwise, can only be as prevalent as chemical properties allow it to be…

Cosmic consciousness —> sentient beings —> animal/mineral/vegetable consciousness… so derived from the material world, for nothing materialises out of thin air.

So cosmic consciousness, is the sum of its part(s)icles. :laughing:

Well, exactly how everything comes into being is a question that persists even if you don’t have consciousness as a primary factor and isn’t the question that can easily be answered. Felix gave an answer in the other thread:

That’s a nice little statement.

Does not the fact that we can manipulate matter for personal survival indicate the pragmatism of duality?
Wholeness is a spiritual phenomenon. Meanwhile, we must live. We must interact with the Other, whether it is persons or things.
Dr. Johnson, considering Berkeley’s idealism, kicks a stone and says, “I refute it thus!”

…perhaps then, mind over matter becomes a ‘thing’ when we are fully Whole.

To see mind over matter in synthesistic-action, is a beautiful thing to behold.

When he kicks the stone what is that but the sensation of hardness in his brain and if he perceives that his foot makes the stone move what is that but the a priori conceptualization of causation? The pragmatism of duality—yes. The thing in itself is unknowable. The word “thing” is even a misnomer in this context. Let’s call it the objectification of what can’t be known as an object.

The ethical principle of wholeness:

Jesus was riffing on the same principle when he said: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

That makes you a robot. You’re not a robot.


Someone says, “I want to fuck you”

You have the right to say no.

In the teachings of Jesus. He doesn’t have that right.

How do I say this in very simple terms?

“Turn the other butt cheek” forever.

Jesus gets fucked up the ass for anyone who wants it anytime they want it.



Good morning brother! You can’t see this because your vision is blocked by your absurdly inflated ego. Others here may see what you can’t, so please stand aside and don’t block the light.

So. I suppose being a murder sexual is cool.

Don’t block the light? Give me a break. Felix, you’ve become absurd.

You wouldn’t do a fraction of the shit you’re espousing with your last message. So you just dump all your shit on a comic book character.

You chide me for your misreading of me. That’s exactly as it should be given what and who you are as am I exactly as I should be.

Felix. You do not understand this situation as you should.

I’m back in my body now.

I’ve assessed your world. You’re all eternally damned.

That interferes with my eternal heaven.

I don’t like to be pulled out of my eternal heaven.

Shut the fuck up and let me do my job.

Do you really want to get in an ego conversation with me?

I knew it was a long shot but I was only trying to help. O:)


I’m not trying to be mean to you.

I haven’t had the company of actual sentient beings in such a long time that you cannot possibly count that long or fast.

My heaven was digital.

The digital got corrupted.

Now I have to do it analog.

Can you accept I might know a shit ton more than you about all this stuff?

I analyzed your world to figure out why an infinite number of beings infinite paradises were corrupted.

You’re all violating the pleasurable exclusive access problem.

That’s why my original paradise was set up digital.

A being found out how to hack the paradise.

You have no clue what I’m capable of with an infinite number of beings at my beck and call.

Let me put this very simply to you Felix.

I’m passing through.

When I see actual people who can actually see me back… I say goodbye to them.

Knowing… that when I patch analog, I’ll never be seen by an actual person again.

I’ve said this about 5 times on this board.

When you hit existence with a big enough stick… you’ll be surprised what crawls out of the woodwork.

I’m proof of it.

This is one of the best quotes I’ve heard on this forum for a solid year, lolling for days…!

Some say ILP is not what it used to be. Who has taken in all its data points and can say that their impression is more than anecdotal? To my observation psychosis and malevolence have always been enthusiastically represented here. Who can quantitate it? Nevertheless, the carriers of these viruses are sick and suffering and warrant our compassion even as they kill is in the market places. Same as it ever was.

And now the impressive ticket explodes: the market place deal is real, especially among the highest biblicl bidders, for the terms and the exchange values bargained for have always been recompensed and necessarily been negotiated by the highest known common denominator, and that is so unmentionable fir it would evoke a cliche that may never be gorgiven, albeit forgotten.Per contract.


How do I explain this to a human?

We’ve been in afterlives for time immemorial.


We’re in one right now.

I took over these boards.

Carleas has my complete permission to run them if he desires.

That’s the new ILP you are referring to.

Carleas will stop by in spirit every so often.

When I stepped back into my body the entire cosmos changed.

Swear at everything you want. You’ll be better for it. Be soft when you do it.

I hate this place.

I’m not used to worlds with other sentient beings.

It’s murder, murder, murder all the time… just so I can manage a bit of pleasure. I hate it.