Who's got the biggest signature!?

One thing I’ve noticed about this forum is the ridiculously large size of the signatures on these forums. I’m normally used to seeing forums where pictures aren’t allowed in signatures, and no more than six lines are to be used. I come here and see freakin’ dictionaries of information in the signatures (where normally we’d gasp link people instead of forcing them to look at your life’s story in a signature), some of them so big they take up the entire page (or nearly so)! So I’m on the quest for who has the largest signature.


No changing your signature to make it larger.

A point for every line your signature uses, spaces are included (between lines).

Pictures count double, or triple or quadruple depending on size.

Let the games begin!

I know what you mean, man. I hate that shit.

Future Man’s is pretty long. He’s not around here much anymore though.

I just like my picture :smiley:

A friend of mine once told me he loathes folks whose signature is bigger than their post; that if they’re going to have a sig ‘that big’, they’d do well to make sure all their posts are at least ‘that big’ as well. Can’t say I agreed with him, but I’d say it’s worth repeating given present context.

And, personally, I don’t mind sigs with lots of text, as long as its worth reading. As for images, well, not to offend anyone, but I can’t stand them. An avatar is more than enough to distinguish yourself without some massive image below all your posts - generally speaking that is.

Kebop, I actually like yours. Very ‘existential’. :wink:

:laughing: - This post is hilarious when seen in it’s original context - :laughing:

[size=84]P.S. - this line of text is size 10 - I like size 10 - I change the size to small, then change the 9 in the code to 10. [/size]

‘Its not how big it is, its how you use it!’

[size=117]Also, for those who may not know, the place to construct your ‘sig’ is in the post-editing-box.

Pick a thread, any thread, click on ‘post reply’ make your sig there using preview to see what it
simply copy n’paste your finished code into the signature box on your profile page.

[ size = 14 ----- color = #A1B2A1 (hundreds of colors) ][/size]

Glad someone agrees. =D>

I think your friend is right. We’ll program it into the forums.

If (averagepostlength=<signature)
then {
force rewrite signature =<averagepostlength

As for the picture thing, I completely agree. It’s freggin’ pitiful, you have an avatar, make it good. I don’t want to see your entire school’s yearbook pictures every time you post. Oh well, nothing I can do to change it.

Mine sigith be subject to the changith.

Thine woof and thine meow, comist at noon and leavith at the dawn.

[ What the fuckith? ]

I thought that maybe this thread was poking fun (in a sense) of Centripetal Farce. :laughing:

His sig cracks me up.

Ahh!! Si, gracias senor!

I like your signature, too. It’d be even greater if you could get rid of the image (not that the image isn’t cool, but it’s a signature, meant for writing, not pictures.). :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but I no longer control the picture. It controls me. Everything is peachy.

this is not at all true, lots of people have pictures