Who's the prettiest?

Who’s the prettiest?

  • Hillary.
  • Obama.
  • Edwards.
0 voters

Hillary has come a long way since she left the white house, she’s looking kinda hot now. But left-wing metrosexuals like Edwards and Obama think that being pretty isn’t just for women anymore, and they’ve started to catch up. Obama has that boyish charm and innocence, and Edwards obvoiusly has a great stylist who does wonders with his hair and makeup. Which one is the prettiest? ILP DECIDES!!!

The black dude. Coz he’s black. And, like, black is beautiful. Because, like, you’ve got to believe that or you’re a racist. And, like, his whole election campaign seems to be based around him being black. So, like, him being black must be a good thing that we can all rally round as a national policy otherwise his whole election campaign would be a joke, right?

Actually, he has (truly, not ghostwritten) written at least one book that espoused solid policy ideas. In general, his policy and politics are incredibly sound.

But if Al Snore has taught us anything, the media hates people that think, so it is far better to play the race card.

Obama is the most attractive.

Just look at him! From my aesthetic perspective he is a handsome man.

Would I vote for him? NEVER!


I’ve never seen or heard him say anything about policy, so I really can’t judge if this is true or not. I’ll take your word for it though.

Naturally. A lot of liberal hypocrite retards in the US who aren’t even black will vote for him not so America can have a black president, but so they can be seen to be voting for a black president. Same in this country, except instead of getting elected, they get jobs with the BBC.

At the end of the day, I’d rather have people vote for the right person for the wrong reason than vote for the wrong person for the wrong reason.


Obama is about as left-wing as is electable in America, was against the war from the beginning, as well as knowing when to push and when not to push (this is part-and-parcel with his being electable). In terms of continental politics (I am less familiar with British politics) he would be a moderate. So, many times more progressive than any other American politician out there. But he isn’t a progressive messiah (which he is sometimes also made out to be).

This article does a fair job of outlining his positive and negative points from the viewpoint of a progressive.


mit romney is pretty good looking for a dude, so I think he could get a lot of old lady hormone votes.

Fuck politic looks, my lady is the hottest ever, she get’s harassed at bars with a hoard of objective comments when she first walks in, politicians would get the opposite.

So the race is coming right along. Any new voters for my old poll?

Objectively speaking, I’d say Obama is the most attractive. And his charisma and voice only helps out the image.

I think he’d make a good porn actor.

None of the above. Put Ann Coulter on the list.

I know it says resident contrarian under my name and all, but seriously, I just read the wikipedia article on that lady and I think I’m in love.

Sorry, couldn’t vote, none of the options fit.

I find nothing attractive about socialist morons and/or terrorist sympathizers.
