why are some people just naturally assholes?

I’d rather not. I never really liked the Doors to begin with. Listening to the Doors, for me, is like suffering from acute nostril agony, carefully refined and sealed over. [scratches head]

False. At the time, their music was very innovative compositionally. The primary distinguishing factor between the doors and other bands of that time was in the instrument organization. They didn’t have a bass player, so Ray played bass lines on the Moog while also playing leads on the organ. This made the band more keyboard oriented, while other bands were centered around the guitar. There was certainly a trademark difference in sound.

Natural Born Assholes. That could be it. It could be in their genetics or biology, perhaps a stunted maturity in their growing years. The other factor could be purely environmental, where they weren’t assholes once upon a time, but because of the influences in their lives, then became a product of what was around them.

Highschool is a pain, and frankly, I’m glad I’m out of there. But don’t lose all hope on these people, they can change. Prime example, there were two guys in my school, one in my grade, another in the grade ahead of me. They weren’t friends, so they had no relation to one another. Both of them changed in the final years at the school, simply because either:
A) They were losing popularity amongst people because of their attitude
B) They matured and realized how their actions reflected others
C) They grew tired of the asshole image
D) They had the crap kicked out of them and decided against their path
E) The vague ‘other’ category

Just know that they may change one day, and that they will leave you and anyone else alone (or at least we would hope so). You can’t blame them entirely for their actions. They are still growing, both biologically and mentally; their ‘reasoning’ section of their mind is still underdevelloped most likely, so in a time, they should grow out of this phase. Right now though, they seek out to cause pain to others to make themselves feel better about their own pain that they’re dealing with. Soon they’ll learn that this does not resolve their own pain, and they will come to terms with it, unless they grow addicted to substance abuse, as was discussed already.

Word of advice, from someone who had his share of experiences with assholes… counter-violence rarely solves the problem, only escalates it. I don’t know how many times I thought about seeking revenge on them (in the worst way) but I wouldn’t be where I am in life now, had I have acted out on those urges.

I watched a movie called “Monster” this afternoon, about that female/prostitute/serial killer (Aileen something, I forget), and I gotta tell ya, I felt very sympathetic. This doesn’t mean that I approve of her actions, but it does raise a strong argument against freedom and responsibility.

The movie seduces the viewer into siding with her, it was very well writen. From the time she was a little girl she was subjected to all kinds of injustices and misfortunes, conditioning her adulthood and the very moral fabric in which she operates. Her life and her reasoning convinced her that her actions were justified, and she claimed to have come to terms with God during her killing spree.

This raises many questions. What, exactly, is “insane” and how do we expect a “reasonable” person to admit that they are an asshole? According to her, her actions were perfectly rational in the context which she found herself in. She decided that those men deserved to die, and in a sense, she became a monster to find other monsters…married men who hire prostitutes and beat them during sex, for example, are not the most innocent model citizens we can imagine. She would shoot them, take their money, and return to her lover, whom she dedicated her life to completely. So monsters do have a compassionate side, and her killings were just a means to that end. A very honorable end, I might add, to care for her loved one.

You guys should watch the movie, its damn good.

Hey,hey, let’s not be dissing my Great-Aunt’s son. Jim had some drug problems, but it had a lot to do with the drug culture. Many people in the general population were experimenting with drugs at the time,so of course rock stars are going to be doing them as well. He was a hell of a poet, an artist. Maybe you don’t think artists earn their keep in the world because they aren’t out there making cogs for the capitalist machine, but Jim is now immortal from his art. He could have taken a job at a factory or written greeting cards, but he wouldn’t have had the same impact. You may not like his work, but you know who he is, dontcha?

“Light my Fire” wasn’t exactly lyrically inspiring or anywhere near the Door’s best work, it was just more acceptable to the “squares” and acted as a foot in the door.

And so what if Jim was a babe? He shouldn’t be taken seriously because he was attractive?

Hey, that’s why it recieved so much attention. The movie gave us a view of another world, one that may be foreign to most of us.

It’s true though. Imagine if you were taught only to be pure hatred and pain. The answer is quite obvious: Most of us would grow up believing that societies morals were wrong, or abstract from what is reality (the killers reality that is). You wouldn’t be the person that you are today, had you not received the ‘normal’ socialization process that makes most of us somewhat, well functioning citizens.

Another movie that touched on this subject (though was nothing in comparison to Monster) was The Cell with Jennifer Lopez. Although I may not suggest for you to watch this, when compared to Monster, but it also gave us a look into the mind of a serial killer told through a fictional way of seeing it. This too applies to other thriller series, like Silence of the Lambs; although Red Dragon gave more insight into the killers past.

Ummmmm, excuse me but, this thread only relates to males.

I am reallly curious why some women are exceedingly abrasive.

A) They were losing popularity amongst people because of their fat ass.
B) They feel threatened by other females.
C) They love the rabid dog image.
D) They cannot find their Gucci handbag.
E) The vague ‘other’ category

A Wanderer on “Masculinity and Madness”


It’s all quit silly, really.

On the one hand we have a social/cultural/religious system limiting the expression of full maleness by suppressing violent, aggressive tendencies, and on the other we have an ingrained female psychology still being attracted to that same barbarian that is being suppressed.

How can one thread this needle?
Now we can see how many males can become confused.
At least the ones who actually pay attention to what women say.

I mean looking around here, for instance, I mostly see females defining what maleness is and males just passively going along, besides the two, three exceptions.

They of course are…pussies.
What else can they be but that?

The fact that masculinity is deteriorating and the Y-chromosome is destined to become extinct, is something I’ve dealt with, somewhat, in my ‘Feminization of Man’ essay but also something I recently found a book on, who’s author I forget, called ‘Adams Curse’ With all the scientific data and graphs and stuff most tight-asses wanted and found lacking in my own speculations.

But whose fault is that?
Is not civilization what decides which traits will be allowed and which will be punished?
Is not the absence of frontiers and the overpopulation of this earth what have made maleness obsolete?

Even those that idealize older, more barbaric cultures and tribes, forget that even there, there were restrictions in how far one was allowed to go and that even there both masculinity and femininity was defined by cultural norms.
Culture is always a restricting mechanism because it imposes itself upon nature.
If their ways were better or worse than our own, is up for debate and only possible through imagination and historical hypothesis.
Romanticising the past is easy.

There are females, on this board, that have gone as far as to romanticize violence between mates.
Now, I will avoid the many psychological explanations about low self-esteem, an absence of self-respect and the non-existence of pride and dignity this implies and only say this:

Only a moron would characterize the thrashing of the one you supposedly care for, as an act of love, and would think a relationship of extreme confrontation as a healthy one.
There are enough dangers and confrontations in life and in the world at large without having your mate, who’s supposed to be your ally, being one of them.

Here I must mention that the ancient Greeks differentiated between male/male and female/male love, because, I suppose, they understood that true intimacy was only possible between equals.
Intimacy between unequal entities leads to the weakest one using, what information or expressions of fallibility are acquired through it, for personal gain, vindication and vengeance.

Back to topic:

I can understand a bit of rough-sex, once in a while to escape routine and to add spice, but if we are talking about it as a usual occurrence then I can only say that men who beat their spouses or girlfriends wind up losing respect for them and interest in them as people and eventually only see them as objects to be used and discarded.
You cannot beat someone up and retain empathy for them and you cannot have them like it and retain esteem for them.

If we take Nietzsche’s advice about weakness being vindictive and malicious-you know that guy many boyish-girls wet themselves over by idealizing him- then we can imagine the many possible risks involved in this type of behaviour by men.
Weakness will grab at any opportunity to avenge itself upon what it considers its better, because it has no other way of fighting back.

It will slander and lie and spread rumours. It will find excitement in cruelty and call it ferocity, because the real label would be too insulting to it.
One of the basic characteristics of weakness, in fact, is its propensity to become vengeful towards what it resents or what it cannot control or reach up to.

Now given this, how many men would risk expressing their total sexual aggressiveness upon a woman?
Some rough sex can and has lead to death.
Would you want to pay for an ejaculation with years of incarceration?

What most of these women…girls…. dream about is a controlled show of force from the man. A sort of game where the punches are pulled and the struggle is pretended. This will make these girls feel feminine, because they posses no other means of feeling so and special, because getting to the man and making him angry is the only way they can get validated.

One other possible reason for this attraction to an extreme is the loss of appreciation in the nuances of social interaction or the inability to participate or to understand a relationship, unless it’s over the top and vulgar.
Attention Deficit Disorder is a modern plight where things must be screamed for there to be a prolonged focus on a subject. This same generational disease prevents long-term planning and projection, as all sensual acuity is limited to the here and now and on the immediate gratification with no ability to recognize the far-reaching ramifications.
Of course there’s the low self-esteem issue, alluded to earlier, which wants to only belong to someone that feels just as contemptuous towards it as it feels towards itself.

This low self-esteem problem, a hallmark of weakness, rationalizes respect and compassion, directed towards it, in this way:
Only what is below me can respect me -because respect is another form of intimidation- so for this individual to show me reverence and for it to treat me with dignity can only mean that it is my inferior. Only what abuses and shows me contempt is my superior and since I am weak, this is the one I want to belong to.

But if total masculine power, unhindered by laws and morals, were to be unleashed upon females they would probably not live to orgasm over.
If complete masculinity were allowed and tolerated, most women would be raped daily and the rest would be dead.

But I suspect that what is meant here is a controlled maleness in accordance with their prejudices and preferences. In other words an idealized male that comes down from utopia to rescue our damsel in distress from her humdrum life and her fears.

I can see how a woman would find it exciting and flattering to strike a man, because her perspective is that of a physically and intellectually weaker individual (in most cases) taunting something much stronger than itself - Isn’t it always weakness that taunts?
But what thrill is there for a man in striking a weaker creature?
Isn’t this what Frank, who these same girly-boys find exciting despite his physical frailty, was talking about when he described how a woman is elevated and a man degraded through marriage?

What is superior bends to deal with an inferior and what is inferior rises to deal with what is superior; just simple physics.

If a child were to hit a 200 lbs man, would the man find pride in retaliation or would the incident become funny to him? Would he be thought great and noble because he crushed the little kid’s skull in?
If a pussy cat were to bite a man’s finger, would he be proud about kicking the shit out of it afterwards? Would it mean anything to him, if he did or did not?
Let’s for the sake of these examples forget that there’s an entire judicial system dedicated to protecting the weakest members of our society, including animals, and that violent retaliation would probably get a man arrested and chastised, these days.

Isn’t it always the men that feel that they are weak and that are insecure about their masculinity that become wife beaters and that resort to violence when dealing with problems and personal stresses?
Isn’t it always the demented and psychologically oppressed that vent their frustrations upon the weakest things they can find, because they are too cowardly to do so towards someone that could kick their ass?

I can understand defending your self against an equal or a stronger aggressor and finding excitement and pride in it, but where is there dignity in striking something feeble and inferior?
Humans only become violent towards what they perceive as a threat.We strike what we fear and we damn what scares us.

Violence in nature is an option of last resort. Even the king of beasts hunts when it is hungry and then only the easiest prey, so as to not risk injury.
Violence in nature is avoided, if possible and not sought after as an aphrodisiac.
When we talk about it as a normal day to day phenomenon we inadvertently expose our own psychological problems and our weaknesses or we attempt to brag about what we know nothing about or we simply display to warn others about our hypothetical metal.
It is, perhaps, a sign of the times and the mundane environments we are living in when such things become commonplace.

In my experience, the individuals that most glorify war and violence or that become obsessed with muscles, guns and martial arts in general, are the ones that feel, or have felt during a period in their lives, frail and pathetic and don’t want to repeat the experience.

If nothing else, this shows a lack of real experience with either war or violence. Little boys who have never felt a punch dream about fighting and of course…always winning.

They are overcompensating for a lack they fear exposing to the world because it would make them vulnerable.

The smallest dogs always bark the loudest. It’s how they think they will prevent having to prove themselves.

The interesting thing about this board is that the very same members that most speak about violence are the ones that are the most protected, either by this medium of communication and the distances involved or by the very system that shelters them from the things they supposedly espouse and fantasize about.
If we could imagine a world with no rules or morals but only the laws of nature, then these same members would be the first to die or would be the ones keeping their big mouths shut and kissing ass to keep on breathing and it would be these same members that would be someone’s f***-pot and punch-bag.
I guess the last part would suit them just fine, if we take their word on it.

The funny thing is that people expose what they feel the most anxiety about by how they gravitate around the same subject matter and by how they lead all conversations back to the same issues.

For instance, the Wanderer, is more interested in social and cultural issues because he feels the most oppressed in this area.
Others continuously return to sex and gender issues because their insecurities rest here, even if they might pretend the opposite.

The thing about gender is that it only matters if you value hedonism and if you judge yourself using procreative measuring sticks and materialism.
From a transcendental perspective none of this really means anything and is hilariously absurd when considered closely. I, for one, consider myself a thinking consciousness, then a human being and only then a male of a particular species or a particular race or nationality.

The funny thing is that males will do anything to get laid.
If becoming or acting more feminine and sensitive does it, then that’s what they’ll do.
If becoming or acting more masculine does it, then they’ll do that.

Women only matter because of sex and procreation and this is why they always return the subject to this topic.
As weak creatures they seek the environment they feel the most powerful in.
Their relevance and their weaponry are always sexual. :astonished:

For many men it doesn’t matter what they think of us, just as long as they spread their legs and give us access to the means of our … ends. :sunglasses:
Men are hunters. They adapt to the prey they hunt.
They strategize, mimic, camouflage, hide, run and strike accordingly.

Women are grazers. They study, analyze, watch, evaluate and pick and choose.

If men need to appear tough and strong or sensitive and demure then that’s what we’ll do.
That’s why the male mind is more flexible and talented in abstraction. It’s in a constant struggle to keep up and to be effective.
What is the ideal man?

Again, it all depends if you value procreativity or creativity and it depends if you judge yourself physically or intellectually.

It also depends on what type of woman you are after.
A man must adjust.

Now I leave you children to cast your aspersions and play with my toys.

I’ll be back in a month or so.

Hmmm…it seems women are perfect for doing philosophy.

Ask Zenofeller, he must know the anwser from the personal level…


I just realized, we hyped up our post counts for nothing. I mean, look at all the nonsense we’ve posted and next thing I’m at the philosopher level. How shameful! You feel undeserving with that post count, Pure?

Women are shoppers they study other women, analyze what they wear, and, watch how others respond. Then they run out and evaluate what is in the market place. Afterwards, they choose a Gucci bag and buy it.

Now, if another woman in the same social circle comes along and has a better or newer Gucci bag, the first women is greeen with envvvy. She has spent all her hard earned cash on her bag and she cannot afford to buy another. So she says, I really like your Gucci, where did you find you it? Feeling special, the first women replies, “At the Gucci Outlet in Southridge”. I got it for an amazing price. Now, the little vixen is aggravated because she paid way too much for her Gucci. So she takes it out on the gal with the great Gucci bag.

I suppose that some here have not heard that girls are mean, not grazers.

I wish the question was how to deal with abrasive women when you are a women.

did jim morrison write books?, where does one find his “philosophy”?, or is it strictly in his music?

morrison wrote books of poetry


:confused: Fantastic answers from Impenitent, Abgrund and Détrop - nice going guys (?) encourage knife-weilding highschool student (now disappeared from thread since 8th Feb) in the art of braining his enemies with a club and/or aquiring a firearm. Beating up the ghosts of bullies past by proxy perhaps…?

Göt-kafalar - to paraphrase in Turkish.

well, yes. women are as perfect for doing philososphy as men, why shouldn’t they?
the fact that over history most philosophers were males does not say anything about the rightness of their philosophies.

That wasn’t a sarcastic comment. It was meant as an observation about the small number of female in philosophy department—as some of the posters here have already noted in another thread. In my university, there is only one who holds a professorial position, yet in my opinion women are as analytical as, if not more than, men. Ophelia’s comment reminded me of that. My comment is supposed to be: It is true that women are as critical and anaytical as men, yet there is still a great disparity in the number of male and female professors. (And we know this is not due to lack of qualified women to teach philosophy, nor due to their unwillingness to teach philosophy).

This is addressed more generally:

I don’t understand why everytime a gender (especially comment about women) is mentioned in a post, there is always a suspicion of sarcasm, or bias, or disparaging tone in the comment. I hope this stops and we all could honestly, and like true rational adults, could talk about genders openly—without the danger of being accused of something.

Well, if women are grazers, and therefore are more inclined to follow a herd mentality (continuing this analogy)perhaps Societal concensus has not reached a sufficient degree to engender change for a large number of the, umm, herd.

THIS is actually a very good question. Please someone answer.

A sudden and swift kick to the shin has changed a many of attitudes. :smiley:

I agree. I think mudwrestling in bikinis is so fake and staged.