why are some people just naturally assholes?

Correct, because a true mud wrestling encounter requires that both participants be nude…

Seriously, I have no idea how women deal with abrasive females, except, obviously, ostracism.

Ok. Sorry, arendt. I was suspicious. I take it back, but I understood it like that. you see, even this is the evidence how such comments may be taken even though they are meant innocently. Suspition is historically anf culturally embedded. I had to tell it, you never know what people there are here. sorry, again.

It’s okay, Lenore. Re-reading my post, I don’t know why I would get so irked like that. Oh, I know, I haven’t had my morning coffee. So, it had nothing to do with your post, really–thinking about it now.

On a personal level I refuse to associate with assholes and if the asshole is a family member I keep my responses monosyllabic at best.

In the workplace it can be difficult.
:smiley: Luckily our department only has one abrasive cat who is in an authority position. When cats are in authority I just speak when necessary and am sweet a pie to everyone else. The cat got the message.
Everyone else is wonderful and helpful. This goes for both sexes.

When not in authority simply and quietly respond with “That was unecessary” “You’re being a nasty” “You are going beyond my limitations and I will report this to human resources if you continue” “Why are you so mean? Did your parents neglect you?” “Meow”


Ophelia, you do sterotype. Not all men and woment behave as you claim. :confused:

:smiley: I keep mine nonsyllabic, at best. You’ll never know what comes out of my mouth.

LOL. You’re being a nasty.

I keep my nails short. Funny retorts, Aspacia.

Sleep with her boyfriend(just kidding). If she is in an authority position, I just act ice-cold and professional, then I find another job. I worked for a horrible woman who would be completely unreasonable during working hours, then expect us to be chummy during off hours. Everyone else in the office adored me, and would tell Dr.Bitchy stories about how much fun we had together. It really got Dr. Bitchy’s goat when I’d be laughing and joking with my co-workers, then would become an android when I spoke with her. When I handed in my resignation after finding another job, Dr. Bitchy was floored. She offered me more money, told me for the first time that I was one of the best employees she’d had, that she was worried she’d lose patients if I was gone…but it was too late. If people don’ t appreciate me, I leave and don’t look back.

With non-authority bitchy-types, I just out-bitch them. Bullies back down when you confront them. Casually mentioning that I know how to box helps as well.

Everyone stereotypes at one time or another. realize that all men and women do not behave as I described, however, some people behave just as I described.

ive recently realized why im so nice, and also probably why some people are uncontrollably jerks.

this is a story about me in high school. i never studied for anything, and i always got great grades because i was given this brain that makes my life equivalent to a downhill cruise on a hovercraft.

people would always ask me to share my homework or test answers and i never saw any reason to refuse. i mean i knew they probably studied much harder than i did, so why shouldnt they get the rewards that shower upon me for no good reason?

and there were other people who were blessed with the motivation to work hard, and not quite a brain like mine. they would be very reluctant to help the poor masses because they felt that if the stupid masses would just get off their butts and study, they wouldnt be so poor. i do know that this is the attitude of many young republicans.

so the reason why im nice is subconscious and uncertain, but im pretty sure ive pinned it down. im in debt to the world, i get the rewards people dream of and i didnt do anything to get them, so i feel bad, and helping others is a return to equilibrium. when a hard working person of average intelligence gets the rewards i get, they will not at all be motivated to share them because they dont want to return to the equilibrium, because they just spent all that hard work working their way out above the equilibrium.

people who dont have anything, and are punished for things they didnt do, its not surprising that they dont act nice. the world wasnt nice to them, they need to get their pleasure any way they can, and one way in which they are strong is in their relation to weak little nerds. we cant understand the pleasure that they get from hurting us because we never experienced that kind of behavior until it was inflicted upon us.

they cant understand why we should help people because that was never inflicted upon them.

goodness was inflicted upon me from birth for no reason. i do good. badness was inflicted upon them from birth for no reason, they do bad. such a fundamental difference simply from the difference in the way they are treated at a young age. maybe the most important thing to do to change the world is be nice to all the little kids.

Spoken like a true divine code.

Future Man: any person who calls for the annhilation of the USA is not a good, generous soul. You live in OZ and I doubt if you are a nice man, nor as “intelligent” as you claim. I have never met a higher thinking individual who actually claims they are “more intelligent” than most others. :frowning:

This land allows free speech, thus you legally can say what you please as long as it does not incite violence. Yet, you denigrate the land I love. Yes, we have major flaws, but what country does not? Where else would you want to live? If elsewhere, you are free to leave, unlike individuals who were shot while trying to flee the USSR. you know a state that promoted communism in the same way you do.

Don’t you see arendt? Future Man is the new Jesus…he is pure and good…we are all pieces of shit…and now…the new Jesus will show us the new way…which has nothing to do with that piece of shit called Catholicism.

Speak to us FM…tell us why we are all pieces of shit…

…please overlook my sarcasm with modesty, for I am spending some time with a few friends… Jack Daniels, Johnnie Walker, etc…

hey me too, drinking with ilp is totally not the same as drinking alone.

people are pieces of shit if they had to work in high school :wink:, they learned that certain people dont work, and those people fail on the tests. these admirably hard working people learned that you have to work hard in order to succeed, and if you fail, thats simply because you failed to work hard. very understandable.

these hard workers would never imagine sacrificing their hard work in order to donate to those punks who did drugs and never tried. how could such a little shit ask for money from me, 'i freaking studied and worked hard and they could have too. ’

i did drugs and never tried. i did better than the punks who studied hard. ‘giving’ my hard work to others is like explaining where the bathroom is. who cares, it wasnt hard to learn where the bathroom is, it wont be hard to explain where it is, it might even be fun if it gets all drawn out and the simpleton is hanging on my every word.

if i were to accept the gifts that were given to me from birth, i would be faced with justifying why i have not treated all of my stupid aqcuaintences with ultimate contempt. if everybody accepted them, the world would probably look like it does now.

if anybody in my position has ever used his gifts selfishly, i hope that god grants me the power to destroy you in every way that i can.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Vermuth? A dash, or a spill of vermuth?

Thanks for the compliment.