why are there so many reviews in "mundane babble"?

“Was” seeming to be the operative word here.

I had a problem with the quote button so,

My posts are in red

PhilosophyGirl’s posts are in green

and, Gobbo’s is in bold

Of course it goes without saying, if your a fan of dog shit, it’s not a bad watch.

Wow, is that really nessasary?

if i may interject, we’re trying to discuss the quality of a review.

please post these kind of comments in one of our many “joke of the day” forums in the future.

That made me laugh :laughing:

I couldn’t really give a toss about the series, I’m trying to teach you a few things for your own benefit.

If you were Britney, I would. Mainly so that I could tell the press that Britney has the most foul, pungent, fecund stench drifting around her rear end. She’s another celeb who could die and it would be her greatest contribution to the world. Like Elton John, or Boy George.


Please be watchful what you write.

i) No ad hominem arguments
…It helps no-one to start throwing insults around the place.
ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … p?t=139918