Why are you so conservative about wind power?

Really, wind power is clean uses energy otherwise exist in nature and produces no waste.

I agree, so stop talking while you’re ahead and start spending lots of money on wind turbines! Oh wait, the government wants that money for its welfare program… damn, so close!

Wind power is unreliable, kills animals, looks horrible on any landscape, and you have to have large numbers of them in order to have any amont of power supply.

come on, don’t make me ridicule you even further, wind power is about as useless as solar energy

here’s something for you, raven, name at least 15 states in the united states that uses wind power for more than 25% of total power produced…

now don’t post a topic “Why so conservative towards solar energy?”

in fact, wind power is a consequence of solar energy,
which is not only the greatest source of energy we have,
but also the one without which we’d all be dead

but with solar energy you have to have an extremely concentrated source of light and heat on a flat plane with solar panels and towers…now there aren’t many of those now are there?

besides the point, solar energy just isn’t efficient in 85% of the land mass of the earth, because you can’t have a floating solar power plant on the ocean, it is just plain stupid

although you could harness the power of the sun from space, that would take trillions of dollars and would not be worth the time to upkeep and/or repair it

it’s just a bad idea altogether…

Plus the concentrated amount of energy returning to earth would brn the atmosphere and say they wobble b/c of solar wind or something the ray of light turns to death killing anything around the target area.
Yes the light from the sun does create life of earth but you must see that the statement itself defeats solar power for electricity. For EVERYTHING on earth is dedicated to the use of light to life. all land is green except where the other all important life giver is not to be found. even the ocean is dedicated to useing the sun plankton fish seaweed ad all manner of things use the sun, heck even humans use light to make vitamin D read the reliquey and the relic to learn this in a scary as crap way. wind is cause by differences in heat from the sun on earth but as you see if solar power were to used by humans for electricity the task is too immense especially when it is only a 6 to 10% use of the heat, a total waste if there ever was. plus what if a cload comes over to you, boop, no power or very little, too bad so sad.
for mass power for the eople you need something reliable and effecient seeing as how a fissionable uranium pellet,(about the size of my small pinky middle segment), will put out as much power as ONE TON of coal, or some 100 gallons of gas or oil, i think its pretty effencint if not Freaking cool yet hot yet cool… hehehe

when all things are considered and what it all boils down to (i think at least) is that the only reason why solar and wind energy is considered so costly/asinine is because there are so many other problems the gov’t has to spend money on, e.g. the war, gasoline and crude oil, medicare, and the already in-use power sources that take up precious comodities like oil and gas which the we are paying money out the ass for.

it would take a tremendous amount of organised willpower (yes i see the oxymoron) to make a change to natural power sources like wind and solar. if we trasitioned everything at ounce to either of the two then it MIGHT be ok.

crazy person said some interesting things

“Wind power is unreliable”
have you ever stood on the beach? its windy all the live long day. if turbines were placed on a beach or any other highly wind location i dont think there would be much problem.

“wind power… kills animals”
i have never heard anything on 20/20 about PETA or any other animal rights activist groups picketing against wind energy plants. cars kill more animals in a day than wind turbines do in an year (if they ever do). if you’re woried about animals being killed, consider this… when all the world relies on fossil fuels for locomotion and have electricity in their homes, what happens to all the waste products? into the air or into the depths of the ocean, harming or potentialy killing living organisms. i’m a living organism. i’d rather die of old age thanks.

“wind power… looks horrible on any landscape”
what makes them so unsightly? there are plenty of unsightly things on earth that no one cares, does anything, or complains about. like powerlines, powerplants, firehydrants, grafiti, bums, litter, overly fat people, and peice of shit cars.

also without the need for gasoline, solar energy would GREATLY decrease the holes in our pockets left by the buring of fossil fuels which will eventualy run out ANYWAY. by the time gas costs $13.99 & 9/10 of a cent per gallon, maybe then “froogle” earthlings will vote for something that will cost virtualy NOTHING to produce AHHH…AHHHHH CHHHsolarenergyOOOOO!!!

Once again read the last issuse of naional geografic on energies future. it discusses the use of wind solar coal oil gas and nuclear power.

solar is very expensive the glass that covers the relctive metal chips and disorganizes light rays reducing power, that cost alot of money to replace every year. then you have to have enormous amounts of timing with astrology to get power. and then have you been in new york at night? lights every where all the night long. solar isnt there then… bell ill write later

While uranium just comes to the surface by itself.

When did naional geografic (National Geography) became an expert on power?

They can’ find the switch!
Turn it off, you have more babies and less murder!

Actually uranium is pretty common in some parts of the world. There is a place in africa (of course its all there) that had so much uranium that natural chain reations occured for more than 10000 years. that uranium is still there along with the new elements made by a reator. maybe this is how life began?

so is bottled water. roughly $6.40 per gallonfor a 20oz bottle. and you think gas is expensive?


yet we all take them for granted, we even take the sun for granted…
all that wasted sunlight pouring over the earth.

oh here’s an interesting tidbit:
one major source of global warming is the stored heat that the sun deposits in the acres and acres of fuckin assfault all over the place. the heat disipates into the air at night. stick that in your pipe and smoke it, just dont cause a fire cuz water is fuckin expensive.

was that the priceof water out in california or some place where water is very scarce? If you buy a bottle of water thats around 12 oz then yea it will be more expensive than a gallon containor of water. The return of power from expentitures to build and up keep solarand wind power generaters is laughable. You say wind blows for ever on the ocean ok that may be but then you have seaair thats salty, that corrodes electrical equipment and rusts the metals. then what about hurricanes and tornados? I dont think that a windpower generator will withstand the forces. Then when thay are all blown down you have to replacethem!!!


20oz.=1 gallon…okaaaay…check your math ham sandwich…

once you think about it, water is free, it is just the processing of minerals and impurities in water that makes it $1.19 for plain old water…you’re just paying for the plastic and label…

I use an energy company that uses sustainable resources, good-energy.co.uk powered mainly by wind and my ex partner and I used solar energy in our home. Initially the costs of installing the solar panels were pretty steep but after a while they pay for themselves. Sunshine is free people. Of course that was in South Africa where the sun is always shining. Here in England wind power works better.

As for those wind turbines, they are far more beautiful than an industrial power plant on the landscape. The lines are ergonomical and in keeping with nature’s design. If you people would prefer, perhaps you should all come up with a better solution and begin implementing it. I for one would certainly look at other sustainable options.


not when they sound like helicopters…and besides, most nuclear power plants are built behind mountains viewed from public highways…or in mostly deserted towns…

And do you think the mountains enjoy this intrusion? What about the environment? I suppose you haven’t really given this much thought, in 100 years you will no longer be here and it won’t be your problem anymore. Do you think people in small towns deserve this sort of eyesore?

No wait, scrap the question. You will say, mountains can’t think and who cares about the little people?


"The Danish Wind Industry: Leader in research and innovation

The Danish wind power industry is the world’s largest. 90% of the wind turbines manufactured in Denmark is sold to the international markets. In 2003, the Danish manufacturers had a total world market share of approximately 38%, generating a combined turnover of almost 3 billion Euro and maintaining over 20,000 people employed in the industry, from wind turbine factories to maintenance and research."

These people are all nuts! Using a resource about as useless as solar energy.


Well, LiquidAngel, I think you were around when the Alaskan Pipeline was built, and at that moment people said it would destroy the enviromient that animals would never return to those parts. Well there are some interesting photos of polar bears sleeping on the pipes because they like the heat, which also melts the snow and lets grass live, drawing caribo to the pipes to eat. it seems that the pipes are warmly welcomed to the animals.

The mountian doenst care and the people in the village would have a job. so I think that people would go where the jobs are.

well that’s all fine and dandy except for all the birds it kills.

the ideal solution is new clean atomic energy. seriously, read the article in wired on how we could use the already boiling water to extract hydrogen for our vehicles. To reject the massive energy possibility of the atom is foolish.