why believe when we can prove god is real!

why believe when we can prove god is real!

well we may as well have a bash at it anyway… :smiley:

below is just an introduction, going on debates both here and at other forums, i think that if we put our collective heads together we can stitch a theory together which demands that god is real.

here is a summary of concepts we have arrived at - if i may…

a. existence is essentially empty.
b. physicality is transient.
c. an existence is an abstract entity.
d. knowledge/info is non material.
e. the general interactions of info e.g. math, is NOT abstract. as like ‘all-time’ we may think of the collection of info as ‘all-knowledge’.
f. awareness. is not physical yet is real and is non-abstract, is infinite/eternal.
g. intellect. is not a collection of info alone, a library or a computer is not intelligent. it is the utility of ‘d’, ‘e’ and ‘f’ as consciousness.
h. consciousness = d, e, f, g. + a, b, c. in other words it is both physical and non-physical at once. our thoughts are the product of all not just the physical part of the equation.
i. as reality is greater that its physical element, and has aspects which are unlimited, we must say that it extends into the infinite. in other words, the singularity does not compose all that is real.

language is limiting; ‘We use terms because we are limited’.

the terms are limited, not sure if we are; infinity is omni-local [anyone who cares to challenge that may do so {see hermescience thread}] so we have spatial locality yet ultimately are infinite/eternal at base level ~ as all things are.

the omnipresent beingness of infinity.
where the above are true god is like nirvana with someone in there - so to say. i mean at least everything we are in essence is in there, where we have awareness, it must, where there is knowledge, it has knowledge.

in truth can we say that reality is not purely physical, as so we are not. hence we can rightly say god doesn’t exist, just as we can say we don’t exist, however we can say that both we and god are real! …then that physicality is transient, hence the greater reality is not physical. …and ‘god’ is the whole including the physical!

so now the question is; what is god? in paganism there is ‘universal spirit’, i think both this and the concept of ‘god’ are incorrect assumptions of what the greater reality is. if we think of it as god it is singular ~ monotheistic, then we get logical problems, if we think of it as plural ~ pantheistic or panentheistic, then how do we think of the whole or the infinite. so do we go with infinitivistic?

thoughts ladies and gentlemen?