Why Consciousness is a Localized Entity

Consciousness is merely the faculty of remote recognition - no magic to it.

Sorry San, the skin is a sensory organ, vibration, fluid shifting, temperatures, pressure can be felt. I can hear noises in water, so can you , so can a fetus. Smell, sight and possibly taste are not used. Fluids carry sound very well or else why would water creatures use sound?
I have no religion. I do know that infants whose parents and family talked to it while in the womb , recognize those people by being comfortable in their arms and happy. This has been documented by physicians, medical personnel plus others like myself and my husband. Our infant screamed his head off in the arms of the doctors and nurses but, in our arms the boy settled down and was not afraid, he was comfortable.
We talked to the boy every day while I was pregnant.
Sound carries through fluids.
A brain has programming but, not sentience, it requires input to activate such. Without any information self cannot form fully.

Science backs fetus sensing/feeling up… And skin is a sensory organ, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to feel with your skin. The other senses are developed when the baby is born, except taste… I think fetus has taste possibly as well, which can explain mothers craving certain foods? But I’m not sure on that one.

ROFL mom craved peanut butter with me, it is a favorite of mine. I had no cravings while pregnant, our son is not picky about food.
Good question: is it the fetus or the mother? I think the mother. Cravings are generally about vitamin or mineral needs.

True, but are the vitamins and minerals for the mother or child?

If the fetus drains it from the mother , then it would be both. The fetus may need more of one or a fault may occur and one is pumped too much from mom. Not sure that it is just one reason. Biology can be perfect or really screw up or have little glitches.