why countries go to war


and most importantly:



Self defense

Under a relatively sane leader, countries go to war over one thing only: power. Every other given reason is secondary, the ultimate goal is power.

Under an insane leader (Caligula, Vlad the Impaler, etc), who knows?

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Under any leader, war is waged for resources (material or spiritual).

I know no war that did not had resources behind whatever official reason.

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i forgot #7; namely, because you hate israel

isn’t the us like the only country in the world that likes them? and we spend so much effort to protect them because we created them by stealing lands from the two countries who keep attacking them all the time, whose names i can’t remember because i SUCK at geography?

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For those bangin’ french fries, and hoodys them muslims be rocking.

erm…sorry, but…

More Power Basically.

hmm… i’ll look into it abgrund; i thought i remembered being taught something about the us helping (at least) create israel, and we sure seem to be fighting the countries that commonly attack it a lot. but i’ll do some research and see what the story is.

i don’t really suck at history by the way, i just have a bad habit of trying to remember stuff when i post instead of doing current research because that takes more time.