gayness is a disease. caused by something, maybe genetics, maybe environment, most likely both.
the humane thing to do with a person who has a disease is to cure them. obviously since we dont know what causes gay, we cant do that.
if a person with aids wants to live with another person with aids, fantastic. perhaps their children will have aids. if so, they should be forbidden from having children. if science discovers a way for them to have children that dont have aids, i would allow it.
we dont know about gay kids. the safe thing to do for the sake of the kids would be to ban gay adoption until this is worked out. im sure gays stuck in mississippi would give up their right to adopt as a gay couple in order to get married with tax breaks.
other than the kids, those people containing the aids within themselves are just great. and once gayness is identified as a disease, steps will be taken to identify and prevent the things that cause it. i believe the fact that gays would embrace this cure means that they would participate in enacting it, if in fact the surgeon general reccomends will and grace be taken off the air, and no gay family should adopt.
the fact that aids is identified as a disease means that you cant go on tv and talk about how its ok to get aids and to not worry about avoiding it. you say exactly why having aids is bad, how exactly you get it, and how exactly to avoid it.
someday, gayness will be recognized like this. it might be a matter of decades of genetic nanotechnology advancement. it might just be one of the many new gay sociologists who want to cure their disease. it will probably require both.
obviously we dont know, and i think that means we shouldnt be withholding rights until we do. what if it people with polio were thought of as lazy, and nobody ever cut them any slack. wouldnt they feel bad after they found out?
maybe its not a disease at all and god is tempting and punishing us in strange and awful ways or those crazy kids these days are just stupid and will ruin our society.